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Wheels vs Tracks and a Honda HS928TCD
Original Message   Jan 20, 2011 7:35 am
Seen a lot of questions and comments on this so I'll just post my 2 cents worth.  We get a lot of HARD blown in snow around here.  Just bought a Honda HS928TCD (tracks) and I think it's night and day compared to two other wheel types I have used.  Yes, the Honda is (only slightly) harder to make a turn at the end of the line, but this is very much more than compensated for by not having to fight the blower through the first 200 yards of hard snow to get to the turn.  The Honda just pushes ahead and and is very easy to steer.

The hydrostatic drive on the Honda is good to have.  It shifts on the fly (no declutching) to adjust to any speed required do get the job done right.  The electric chute controls are wonderful - don't seem to have a problem freezing up.  When looking to buy, I found the manual chute controls on Hondas sturdily built but a bit hard to turn compared to others.  Electric....good.  WIsh the Honda had heated grips (it's -36 C here today!).

When going through lots of harder snow, the Honda engine is obviously working harder.  I compensate by slowing down forward speed or taking a partial cut - no sense in putting undue stress on the new guy, but I suppose it's only logical that more snow to move equals harder work for the engine.

The two wheelies took a lot of muscle for the hard snow - almost woulda been easier to shovel it.  My old wheelie (JD 826 with chains and "summer" tires) went thru but slowly and with difficulty and lots of muscle required.  The other new wheelie (since returned to dealer), equipped with "snow hog" type tires simply refused to touch the stuff.  I looked into getting chains for the snow hogs, but most dealers, even those that sold chains made expressly for the snow hogs, said they didn't help much (one said they made things worse!).

The Honda tracker is definitely more difficult to handle than a wheelie when in the garage on dry concrete, but I can live with that.  Maybe the suggestion of putting it on a creeper would help, but I just don't have to move it around there much anyway.  Come summer: prep it, store it and see ya next winter.

Bottom line (for me): probably almost anything will go through soft snow, but if you need to blow hard snow, get a tracked model.  I love my HS928TCD , and I imagine the new Yamahas and perhaps other tracked models (ie Ariens, but no hydrostatic drive) would work as well.

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