The manual, page 24, states that the attachment pulley is held (and adjusted)on by set screws. the manual suggests that one gets to them by removing belt cover.
i see the set screws on the engine sheave(?) But where are the set screws on the attacment pulley.
On the shaft??? i just do not see them.
Are they accessed to w/ just the belt cover off? Are hey hex nuts? figure 21 does not point them out.
also how does the idler puley adjust left and right. i To center the belt) I see how it goes in and out..
Ithe manual
a)could be clearer;
b)the nut sizes could be indicated
c) the applicable picture and`text could be on same page. (i printed a manula from he web site and still the diagrams can be 3 pages from the text.
II speed selector.
the shaft does not fit into the fastest gear foward notch. even when it is disconnected from the shaft
III adjustments:
why???? aren't cars more complicated. And usually hey are fine off the lot.
This message was modified Jan 29, 2005 by solara
2004-2005 Ariens 11528LE
Jacobsen snow-burst