Hello everyone, lots of good info here, but I need some help before having to go to the dealer.
I got a donated 5/24 Mastercraft MTD two stage that looked like it was used on some big chunks of ice. Auger, impeller & the front housing pretty bent up (of course there were the obligatory mild steel replacement "shear pins") but the motor still seems strong. So, after splitting the auger housing from the main chassis, and carefully disassembling & laying out the parts of the auger brake and tensioner pulley on the work bench for easy reassembly, my son re-arranged the parts. Now I'm having a problem getting it back together (should have taken a picture). I did get a pdf copy of the manual from MTD, but the page where these parts are shown is a little faint.
So I'm hoping that someone out there has a clearer copy of the manual or maybe a picture of a machine split with all the parts in place?
Model # 318550515 S/N 380785 A
with a Tecumseh 5HP HS50-67256G S/N 7175B
This message was modified Nov 18, 2008 by GtWtNorth