Location: London Ont
Joined: Dec 2, 2007
Points: 354
8 hp tecumsech carb flooding
Original Message Dec 2, 2007 5:20 am |
hi l have 8 hp tecumsech snowblower and the carb is flooding out. basically l pulled the carb apart cleaned it and installed a kit which didnt work. lve cleaned the fuel tank and replaced the fuel line going from the tank to the carb becuase l was getting some little pieces of dirt (rubber) in the floot bowl, the floot was replaced as well. l can take the carb off the engine and blow in the inlet and cant get even the slightest leak. so l put the carb back on the engine open the fuel nozzel to the carb and fuel starts leaking right out venturi but not every time sometimes you have run for about 30 secs then it starts to flood doesnt make sense ? l had 10hp tecumech a few years back whith excat problem end up replacing carb with used one and it fixed the problem just wondering if anybodys ran in this problem or has any suggestions