Kooky Idea #2 Original Message Nov 2, 2005 4:55 pm
Got snowblower fever and thought I'd modify a used machine is my spare time for the fun of it. This is a bit kooky but may be fun to see what happens. Thinking of getting a 24" or 25" used Aries, and trick it out by installing an 11hp OHV engine. Goof around with the impeller pulley and hop it up to throw snow further. Can get an aftermarket Honda look alike OHV motor at Princess Auto in Canada for less than 9 hp Honda. Funny thing about these "Powerfist" engines is the remarkable resemblance they have to a Honda. Side by side comparison with a Honda, the only difference from the outside view, the thing is black, but everything looks EXACTLY like a Honda. The guys at princess told me Honda parts fit this thing. Maybe it has cheap and weaker parts inside. I should of taken a picture and post the two. This winter, for the fun of it, going to trick out a blower. Anyone ever soup up a snowblower? After that, the next is the....lawnmower!
We are a Honda engine dealer and sell the knock offs. The knock offs are a cheaper engine, and 95% of the parts are interchangable. If buying this from a non "box" store you'll have much better luck in the parts department. We've had one on a woodsplitter that we rent out and it's split close to 2000 cord of wood in the last 2 years. It still runs fine but is starting to feel it's age as did the Hondas after splitting that much wood. Just know that if you do decide to go this route - make sure that you have a heat box built for it so that it doesn't freeze up.