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Name Dan
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Date Joined Oct 26, 2005
Date Last Access Dec 4, 2017 4:28 pm
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Re: Need Help, Carb prob, 6hp Tecumseh Lawnmower
#1   Aug 18, 2006 2:19 pm
I have to chek my spelling, too impatient to post. When I was a kid, I found motors would have more adjustments and start, where as this newer stuff, carbs with a red rubber rotting bulb is made to rot. What happened to bending over and flicking a choke lever to start an engine. The better things get, the less they last.
Need Help, Carb prob, 6hp Tecumseh Lawnmower
#2   Aug 18, 2006 2:10 pm
 This is the scoop, cleaned and rebuilt carb on a 6 hp LEV 120 Tecumseh and it works but not well. I want to replace the carb, but a real choke I operate, no red rubber primer, and a carb that I can adjust. Any older carbs that will work? When I was a kit i use to pull old lawnmower engines from the junk pile, strip them, clean them, and put it together. Start on the first or second pull. These newer carbs are ... not as good as the old ones IMHO. Thanks!
Re: ashamed...
#3   Jan 2, 2006 6:06 pm

You were outside in the fresh air, walking, moving a piece of equipment around. Others were in a gym, paying to do the same inside. You accomplished good will, and got to go out side rather than sit on the coach and think of what to do. I figure you did some good for yourself and others. A snowblower is more than a machine, it's something that gets one outside in the fresh air. Thus worth it's weight as far as exercise goes. I think a snowblower as more than a machine. It's a low impact workout, a thing to get one outside when it's cold, snowing and windy, a tool to clear the driveway, and something that makes snow storms more fun, thus bringing one to a more fun time in life when going outside when snowing is actually........ FUN!

Re: How would you respond ?
#4   Dec 18, 2005 8:46 am
Once the lending starts it never stops. If it breaks, who pays? Everytime I lend, I end up with spending money, plus having my stuff bummed from me when I need it.  I hate being negitave but I had a $1200 blower runied by one of my relatives.
Re: Eureka FluidFilm
#5   Dec 13, 2005 5:34 pm
I bought a can of Fluid Film from an auto supply depot and sprayed it onto the impeller and into the augar chute. Will be blowing snow tommorrow AM and see how good the stuff is. The can I got is an brown can, with the Fluid Film logo in the center, yellow and orange circle. The stuff stinks but is environmentally friendly. It seemed to leave a greasy layer of an oily substance where it was sprayed. Thicker than WD-40 or oil. I also run my augar 2-3 minutes before shutdown, and clean any residual snow if any. Since I leave my machine outside with a cover on it, don't want the impeller to freeze. I don't know if this is the same fluid film recommended to you as it does not have the word Eureka, but purchased in Canada, Halifax N.S. to be exact.
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