Location: Saylorsburg, PA
Joined: Jun 3, 2004
Points: 424
Scouting for tractor stuff? Original Message May 11, 2005 8:54 am
So how far off the road can you spot (fill in your brand here) paint(about 100 feet for me if I'm driving)? And do you vary your commute to and from work in hopes you will find something along the road (I do)? And have any of you trained your spouse to spot for you? My wife is almost as good as I am at spotting Deere green paint. She recently told me of a "cute" Deere tractor for sale along her commute. I checked it out to find a Large Deere construction loader w/ back-hoe for over $10,000. I guess she hasn't got the size thing down yet.
"Man's mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimension." -Oliver Wendell Holmes