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Where you buy a bike

The temptation is to walk into WalMart, Toys "R" Us, or big box store and pick out a bike that looks like it will do the job, check out and count your change as you envision riding into the sunset. Granted the bikes will be less expensive than at a bike store (you could expect to see a Huffy or Schwinn for one to two hundred dollars at WalMart) but there will be fewer selections when it comes to bike type and frame size.

Unfortunately the price is most often reflective of the quality of the materials and construction of the bike as well. The big box bikes are going to weigh as much as eight or nine pounds more, significant for anything more than a level ride to the local park. And speaking of anything more than a level ride to the park, these big box bikes are substandard in adequate gear shifting. You will want easy, comfortable gear shifting, that facilitates a smooth ride, not the awkward shifting you will find in the mass marketed. If you are planning trips that include hills, keep in mind that extra ten pounds you will be lugging around with you, as well.

If you are biking on anything rougher than a paved road, you will want good shock absorption. Mass manufactured bikes haven't proven themselves worthy in this area providing less than satisfactory suspension for off road biking. Experts say that for a hundred dollars more at a bike store, you will find significantly better suspension and consequently a smoother ride.

Consider the big box bike when you have a child who will outgrow the bike quickly or if you are not going far or often with your bike. For anything else, stick to the bike store where the salesperson's expertise can help you select a bike that will fit you both physically (one size does not fit all when it comes to bikes) and experientially (the right bike for the kind of riding you will be doing.)

As with any major purchase, find a store that will listen to your needs and desires. If you are not sure of the specific kind of bike you should purchase they can help you narrow the field by asking the right kind of questions. Look for a store that

  • belongs to the National Bicycle Dealers Association
  • can fit the bike to your size and needs
  • put it together for you
  • has an in-store repair and service option for your future needs

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