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Sep 4, 2008 9:26 am |
Ariens snowblower - that motor that moves the shoot - what do you think about this ?
#1 Sep 4, 2008 8:54 am |
On many models of snowblowers, I see a cable system that will move the snow shoot lever ( the one that ajusts the height of snow being shot out of the shoot ) however, it seems on the Ariens they use a motor system.
How does this thing work ? and does it work better than a cable system ?
I honestly don't understand how this motor is powered though ?
( I am talking about the long black pole that comes up at the front of the Ariens snowblowrs, and it has a large cap on it ) - I'm assuming this is a motorized system that somehow adjusts the end of the snow shoot, so you can adjust how high or low you wish the snow to be shot out of the machine.
Re: Who makes the best snowblower?
#2 Sep 4, 2008 8:50 am |
NJ is can shift on the fly with the Ariens.....I usually blow in 4th or 5th gear.......5th is fast.........I have the snow cab to stop me from flying over it....  Frank D. Hi Frank, what do you ean shift on the fly ? I have an old MTD brand blower, and I must stop moving with the snowblower before changing gears,, don't the Ariens work the same way ? .... meaning you must put the thing into the gear you want, then pull down lever that engages the gear drive, which is located on the right handle bar ? thanks for your time
Re: Disc-O-matic
#3 Sep 4, 2008 8:47 am |
hi everyone,
can somebody explain this disc-o-matic system ?
do you need to stop the snowblower's moment in order to switch gears ?
thanks for any info.
Do Ariens snowblowers have Hydrostatic drives like Honda snowblowers ?
#4 Sep 4, 2008 8:10 am |
A friend of mine has a Honda with a hydrostatic drive, and from what he explained to me, this enables you to change gears on your snowblower, without having to stop moving with the machine, in order to change the gear, and then get that movement going again by pressing down on the gear lever ( on your right handle bar )
Does anyone know if the Ariens brand of snow blowers use this hydraulics system for gearing ?
I'm looking at the model:
also, if anyone know where to find an online manual for any of the Ariens brand snow blowers I'd really appreciate any info
Thanks for any info.
Re: ariens vs. Simplicity
#5 Sep 3, 2008 7:30 pm |
Hello Snowman,
thank you for the info.
Do you know where I can get an online manual for that model ?
also - what is the difference between the pro models and the deluxe model ?
thanks for your help.