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Name S J Goh
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Date Joined Jan 21, 2006
Date Last Access Jan 23, 2006 2:41 pm
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Re: Safely storing brush cutter
#1   Jan 23, 2006 2:40 pm
Hi Charles,

Thanks for the suggestion. Sadly, we dont even have a tree. :P Growing Philippine grass is tough enough a job for us this moment. Those in the shaded areas are prone to growing longer than those exposed to our tropical heat. Will look into getting a lockable cabinet to be placed in the back of our house.

SJ Goh

Re: Safely storing brush cutter
#2   Jan 23, 2006 2:37 pm
Thanks Dave for the advice. Very detailed indeed. I did the first part - drained all the fuel I can from the carburettor and used rolled up tissue paper to soak up all excess in the tank. Also attempted to start it repeatedly but it did not fire. Figure the fuel is insufficient. Closed up the tank tightly and turned off the gas valve. Drained out the last few drops of fuel from bottom of carburettor. Covered it up with a large shopping bag and returned it to the utility room. This morning, I poured out all unmixed fuel into my car and left the container opened in the porch. Back in the room, I could still smell fuel. Not strong though. But I opened the window to allow air circulation.

At this point, I can say there's practically no fuel in the room except for leftover smell on the equipment. I was just worried whether smell (leftover from contact with fuel) is an indication of the presence of (or equals) "fume" and if it would be as dangerous as the real "fume" we see escaping from cars when the fuel cap is opened on a hot and humid day.

I would love to store it outside but where I stay, thieves roam at night and have stolen shoes and iron drain covers for scrap. It's a sickening nuisance and nothing valuable can be left outside. It's a small garden in front of our house. In the back yard, there's only an area of 5 x 20 ft, fenced up. Storing it there is only possible with a lockable tool cabinet. If I do get one, it has to be water proof type too. We live in the tropics and it rains a lot.

Do you think I'm still exposed to danger?

SJ Goh

Safely storing brush cutter
#3   Jan 22, 2006 5:45 pm
Greetings all.

I just got myself a new brush cutter for home use. It's a simple 2 stroke engine type. After half hour's use in my garden last weekend, it ran out of fuel, almost, and the engine stopped. I notice there's still some fuel (a small amount just above the hose at bottom of fuel tank) - gasoline mixed with 2T oil. I would assume the fuel hose is full of gasoline right to the cut off valve. Since I dont have a detached outdoor shed, I have to store the cutter inside our house, in the utility room next to the kitchen. After reading a few sites on safe storage of gasoline, I think I'm making a mistake here. How do I get rid of the excess fuel inside the tank and fuel line? There's a little spring loaded outlet at bottom of carburettor which releases fuel when lever is depressed. Can I release all fuel in the unit by opening the cut off valve and depressing the drain lever? If that can be done, will it be safe for me to store the cutter where it is now? I bet I could still smell gasoline odor afterwards but does it necessarily mean there's gasoline vapor in the area?

Being new to having such powered tool, I am very concerned. Would be grateful for all inputs.



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