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Name shawn
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Privileges Normal user
Points 29
Number of Posts 29
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Date Joined Aug 18, 2006
Date Last Access Nov 1, 2007 4:02 pm
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Re: For Sale
#1   Nov 1, 2007 4:02 pm
i do have the 25hp briggs still if you are interested just holla back.
For Sale
#2   Oct 28, 2007 6:26 am
I have two engines for sale one is a 22HP briggs & stratton intek v-twin engine with electric start only used once and then took it off and switched it for a bigger engine so it just sits here in the garage. the other one is a 3.5 HP biggs & stratton horizontal engine that has a gear reduction 2:1 clutch. i will sell them together or separted together i will sel them for  $110.00 or best offer but if you want them separted the 22 hp briggs i will sell for $100.00 and the 3.5 hp i will sell for $25.00 since its a litrtle older . but they but have nothing wrong with them the both run great they just need a new owner who needs them. iam from nys so it will be local pickup i can't ship them . so if you are interested just send me your email and ill send you pictures.

Re: briggs & stratton 25HP intek v-twin engine
#3   Aug 20, 2007 5:41 am
tpaumen wrote:
I would be interested in seeing pictures of the motor and possibly purchasing it. Tim

i got some pictures of it you just need to send me you're email address.     

                                                                                                  Thanks Shawn

briggs & stratton 25HP intek v-twin engine
#4   Aug 15, 2007 10:56 am
ive got a almost new briggs & stratton 25HP intek v-twin engine that only has 3 hours on it. iam selling it cause its too big of a engine for one and i was given a kohler engine so iam using the kohler. it is a strong long last engine it ran more than great i love to keep it but i have no use for it so iam looking to sell it . i have some pics of it. i will sell it for $300.00 or best offer. local pickup
#5   Jul 18, 2007 9:40 am
i have a briggs and strattton intek v-twin engine. its 25hp its in excellent condition its only been used three times i took it off to put a kohler engine on the mower. i have pictures if anyone wants to see i will  sell it for $ 200 - 300 bucks I also have all the paper work on what i did to it. well if you wanna see pictures email me at and i will send them to you.

                                                                                                Thank You for taking a look.

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