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Name Bob
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Gender Male
Location Long Island, NY
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Date Joined Jul 27, 2005
Date Last Access Aug 24, 2006 6:35 am
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Re: Ariens Vs Toro
#1   Aug 15, 2005 6:47 pm
Ohh your right, thanks, done
Re: Ariens Vs Toro
#2   Aug 15, 2005 6:05 pm

Yes the dealer dropped it off and ran it for me and went over the machine with me.
I've been snow blowing for 15years, so I know the basics... just wanted hints from him on the particular machine.

The owner of the dealer ship did it himself, nice guy.
He had run it at his shop after I looked at it when it was dry and told him to take his time and please run it up and check it out.

Under warranty, they will pick it up. Toro isn't advertising it on their site, but buy now and you get an additional year warranty free, for a total of three years.

With the cheapo camera and it's cheapo movie function, I don't think the augers would look good at all.

Re: Ariens Vs Toro
#3   Aug 15, 2005 4:48 pm
My New Toro Click here...

Posted some pix. Click on the link/pix above.

It's all shiny and new...

Not much to read in the manual.

Not  a word about Engine break in.

Any thoughts?


Re: Ariens Vs Toro
#4   Aug 14, 2005 8:19 am

That was a complete parrallel to me problems.
The politics at Defense Hill, the wing nutz were starting to push to all gliders and or electric.  politics at the sky hawks of sport flyers vs scale flyers.... it all killed the fun .... never being laid off. Couldn't afford it, and got the point it wasn't worth trying to afford it when I was back working.
The park flyers are very attractive... been tempted once or twice to get a small cub or something.

What hobby store did you frequent?

yes the fields lost due to all sorts for problems. Most construction and or noise complaints...
Even for me Calerton was such a hike, that's why I joined IMAC, very close to home... and we tried like heck to keep a local field.
Defense Hill is on Defense Road. The road of the old housing for the military that manned the old Nuke Niki Missle base out in Rocky Point.
The air field is on the top of the road, where the old command and control and tracking systems were. We had bunkers to deal with.
Next to the Rocky Point High School, is where the missles were and lunch cradles.

To get to Defense Hill, William Floyd Pkwy all the way north till it ends on 25a, make right, head east... very 1st traffic light, basically right in front of you as you turn onto 25A, you hange a left onto Defense Hill road and go to the top / end of road.. big fence gates. usually open of the field is active.

The field was active before they sold the old military housing as adfordable housing. In just a couple of short years the new neighbors started to complain about the noise.
I understand the field is still open and operating. It's a town field. Propert given to the town from the government for use as a park. The assoc was started, charter said that five clubs would make up the Assoc, this way it benefitted those loosing fields and no monopoly. The Assco takes over the grounds and convert it for RC and plane use. there were plans for an off road rc track that never took off. there are two control line circles. 2 -3 out of the clubs were always fighting, so finally the Assoc was removed and a single Club was formed, so now it's Defense Hill Modelers Club.  As the Assoc disbanned, our club voted to donate our treassury to the new club since we had no field our selfs... and that was pretty much the end of  IMAC.

Re: Ariens Vs Toro
#5   Aug 13, 2005 7:09 pm

Did you fly in that old airfield next to the coram HD?

I used to fly with and be a member of the Wing Nutz, a Grumman club, field was out at the Calverton Grumman site, just east of the grounds in a buffer area.

Started flying with the wing nutz in 1985 or so. That's when I first started. 

In the mid to early 90's I joined IMAC, I was Pres of the IMAC for the last 4 or so years that I flew. IMAC, Islanders Model Airplace Club. We had a few fields, starting at Davis peach farm in Mt Sinia, when we were loosing that , before I was Pres they tuned down being part of the Defense Hill assoc. We rented a old emergancy air strip at Gyrodyne for a few years. Then got rights to fly at the peach farm again after the fields were sold, but before construction started.

During that time I got us into the Defense Hill Assoc since we were going to loose the Gyrodyne field and Peach farm to construction.

So for the last few year flew at Defense Hill and sat on that board since I was the Pres of IMAC, and also flew al ot out at the Manorville field of the Skyhawks.. had  a lot of friends there and flew as a guest a lot and helped with a few  fly-ins monitoring radios.

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