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Name Ola Franzén
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Gender Male
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Points 19
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Date Joined Dec 25, 2005
Date Last Access Feb 6, 2006 2:26 am
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Re: Sheared a second flywheel key on my Tecumseh HS50
#1   Jan 26, 2006 1:27 pm
I set it to 62Nm/46ft. lbs. as the repair manual I have said.

Now I'll make some final ajdustments on the carburetor, change the oil and get a new belt for the blower fan and all should be in top shape. Feels good but I'm sure we will get *no* more snow this season.

Re: Sheared a second flywheel key on my Tecumseh HS50
#2   Jan 26, 2006 12:45 pm

I got me a decent torque wrench and cleaned the surfaces properly before assembling this time. No problems at all and the engine started on the second pull :)



Re: Sheared a second flywheel key on my Tecumseh HS50
#3   Jan 25, 2006 11:30 am
Good call! I'll make sure I tighten the nut more next time. I was a bit surprised at how easy it was to get the nut off the first time so maybe that's why the first broke.

Thanks for the tip.

Sheared a second flywheel key on my Tecumseh HS50
#4   Jan 25, 2006 10:28 am
I'm continuing my quest in a new thread now that I have a more specific question. Old thread is

I got a new flywheel key as the old turned out to be broken. The new one broke after about three pulls and one ignition...

The new key looks like a dud though. The sheared surface looks dimpled as if the metal had bubbles in it. The old one looked solid and the sheared surface is smooth.

Could I have been so unlucky that I got a bad new key or is a second broken key a sign on some other problem? If I remove the spark plug and turn the flywheel, it seems to run smooth.


Oh, for Pete's sake!
#5   Jan 24, 2006 10:30 am
Now what...? I swear this engine is out to break my spirit...

I got the flywheel key and installed it. Checked and cleaned the magnets and coil core and checked the gap. Checked coil continuity, capacitor, cleaned the points and checked the gap. I could easily get a spark just by turning the flywheel by hand so I assembeled the engine to try it out. After assembly I checked if I still had a spark and sure, nice and strong and the kill switch worked.

So, I primed the engine and pulled the starter a couple of times. Third try or so I got a cough and then nothing. Checked for spark. Nothing. Changed spark plug and checked the gap. Nothing...

So now I have to take everything apart again and I'm *really* close to just tossing the darn thing into the pond....

Why did I loose the spark? What should I check?

Please help me again.


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