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Dec 17, 2010 9:33 am |
Re: Track Snow Blower Questions
#1 Dec 17, 2010 9:33 am |
Everybody's covered it pretty much. Tracs are a pain unless you need tracs. If you need tracs nothing else would work anyway. Don't worry so much about the CO posioning. Great to be catious but its harder than it looks.
Re: 2010 Ariens Pro28 or Pro32???
#2 Nov 2, 2010 5:27 pm |
I had the 1336DLE PRO for a 1/2 season and it was pretty much worthless. I'd get the smaller one if the motors/gearing is the same.
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
#3 Mar 13, 2010 10:56 am |
AA just for you, I am going to go get an MRI Mon. and see if my head is truly nice and thick lol...I will post the results....It's amazing how this all started.Someone was asking where he could go see a Honda snowblower.Someone who owned one said it clogged on him and didnt out throw a Toro.And all I said is ...thats a crime.Oh boy thats all it took .Here come the Honda militants....How dare you speak bad of our Honda snowblowers.They r the best,greatest blah blah ,blah blah blah blowers in the universe. You will pay for your negative comments bout honda snowblowers.Hey calm down dudes.Its ok ,so honda blowers clog.Just take your little black stick and unclog it.Maybe you can put the clarence impeller kit on your hondas and then it will hurl snow farther than a toro or ariens or simplicity w/power boost hehehe oohhhhweeee..... Honda blowers don't clog. That little stick is there to beat back all the jealous owners of lesser machines. I once asked a Honda dealer what that stick was really for and he said the question has never come up, and I was the first to ask.
Knock knock: Honda's are great.
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
#4 Mar 13, 2010 10:51 am |
That's alada money for that machine. I wouldn't even consider it, but I'm the kind of cheap that would rather pee in the sink than use a pay toilet. There must have been a lot of snow the year before, that's usually when people get hosed.
Re: Honda HS928TA Snowblower
#5 Mar 13, 2010 7:15 am |
$3200 for a 724 Honda? Yowsers. I'd bet that's a $1700 machine tops.