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Name Shawn
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Location Maine
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Date Joined Apr 23, 2005
Date Last Access May 16, 2005 11:53 am
mows2much's last  
Re: Blowers Echo 650 VS Stihl BR 550
#1   Apr 25, 2005 12:08 pm
Thanks Marshall, I will let you know how things go in the future.  The rain has stopped for now so I am going to go out and play some more.
Re: Blowers Echo 650 VS Stihl BR 550
#2   Apr 25, 2005 10:52 am
Well I bought the Echo 650.  My dealer said that he didn't want to sell me the Stihl.  He has tried to get it to run three times and said that it wont run on high very well.  He also says that since it's a new model for Stihl that he would rather see it out in the market for a season or two before selling it to a landscaper.  I have run a tank and a half of gas  through it so far and it seems to run nice.  The first taste of gas that I gave it took only 3 pulls to bring it to life.  I wasn't sure if I was going to like the way that it felt on my back for any length of time.  So far it seems to ride nicely and doesn't seem to bother my back at all. 
Re: Looking for a mower 36" and under
#3   Apr 24, 2005 10:41 am
Thats the plan,search and read.  Thats how I found this place.  It's not that what I can afford but what will get the job done.  I dont plan on this being my main mower so I cant see spending extra money if its not needed.  If it takes $3,000 to get what will work best then thats what I will spend.  BUT..... if $1,500 is all I need to spend then thats $1,500 to spend on something else.  I want to do things once and get many mowings out of it.  I don't want to get something that I will need to sell to upgrade later.  Keeping this in mind like I said earlier I don't plan on this being my main mower, just one to do gated lawns.  Don't take what I am saying the wrong way.....I am glad that you took the time to tell me what you think.  
Looking for a mower 36" and under
#4   Apr 24, 2005 10:09 am
I have a few accounts this year that are going to require me to enter through a gate   I have been looking at the exmark metro with a fixed deck and gear drive.  I am not sure if I want to spend the money on a machine that is this small.  I would rather have a  metro hp with the floating deck and hydro in a 48" or 52".  I am takeing these lawns over from a friend getting out of mowing.  He says that I should be able to pick up another 10-15 accounts once the people see me mowing.  He said that people were always asking if he could do there lawns also.  I don't want to get something that I will have to upgrade if I do end up with 15-20 accounts that require a 36" or smaller deck.  I want to buy from a local dealer.  The local dealers that I know of carry Exmark, Scag, Toro, Ariens, JD and Husky.  Where should I start?
Re: Blowers Echo 650 VS Stihl BR 550
#5   Apr 24, 2005 7:37 am
Neve, thanks for the info on taking the pipe off.  It will be used for commercial use.  The place that I am purchasing one from should know that I am not someone taking up his time.  I called him last week to see if he had a Stihl FS 110 trimmer in stock, and he did.  I went over and purchased it 1/2 hour later with a power sweep attachment. 

Marshall, the price is almost the same depending on what I get for extras.  $20-$30 difference stripped.

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