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Maxime Belanger |
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Nov 26, 2006 |
Date Last Access |
May 19, 2009 4:03 am |
Cub Cadet 4 stroke trimmer
#1 May 19, 2009 4:03 am |
Hi all, has anyone something to say about this Cub Cadet trimmer: Model: 41ADC46G912 | | |  | 4 cycle 26 cc engine |  | straight shaft |  | Dual line bump knob |  | 0.95" diameter line |  | 17' cutting swath |  | SwiftStart "No Choke" starting | Thanks, Max
Governor problem with a Tecumseh 11.5 hp OHV Snow King???
#2 Jan 15, 2007 4:45 am |
Hi everyone, I wonder if I have a problem with the governor of my Ariens 11528LE (equipped with the Techumseh snow king OHV). When the snow is lite or in small quantities, the snowblower throws it 40-50 feet away without any problem but when the snow is wet or more compact, the blower can't throw it any farther than 20 feet even in first gear with 6 inches of snow in half of the bucket. I understand that blowing 6 inches of wet snow is not as easy as blowing one inch on lite snow but beleive me, there is really a problem if I compare with other blowers I have used in the past. In fact, nothing indicates me that the governor is working since the sound of the engine remains the same even if the demands is higher. If I'm not extremely 'polite' with the machine the snow tends to jam in the impeller and everything stops. It feels like it is really underpowered. Note that when I operate the blower, the choke is off and it is always to full throttle. Thanks for your advices and since I'm a french speaker, I apologize if there are any mistakes in the text. Maxime
Re: Ariens 11528LE remote axle lock
#3 Dec 1, 2006 10:53 am |
Thanks to all of you, my blower was OK; it works as you explained and as it is in the english version of the user guide but since I'm a french speaker, I have read the french version of the user guide... and believe me, the translation isn't very good so it confused me. The first snowstorm of the winter is just beginning in Quebec city; I can't wait anymore to try this toy and blow away the 8 inches that are announced. Thanks again, Maxsss
Ariens 11528LE remote axle lock
#4 Nov 27, 2006 8:38 am |
Hi everyone, I just bought a Ariens 11528LE. The differential appears to be locked all the time untill I pull the trigger of the remote axle lock to unlock it and make easy to turn. I tought it was supposed to be the opposite (the differential is unlock untill you pull the trigger to dig into heavy / wet snow). Can an owner of a similar unit tell me how it's supposed to be before I decide to look at it or ask to the dealer. Thanks, Maxsss