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Name shane
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Date Joined May 19, 2009
Date Last Access Jun 22, 2009 1:59 pm
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Re: Honda 1132 snowblower for a tall guy?
#1   Jun 22, 2009 1:58 pm
hey there...

yep, I'm a crazy canuck.  Going to blow that 100m of driveway, because there is really not much space to push it.  The previous owner owned a blade, and there was gravel all over the place, as well as stumps and broken vegetation from all the snow/blade damage.  I really need to be able to pick up that snow and put it elsewhere.  I hate working on broken down equipment, and I really can't afford to buy a tractor, based on the used stuff I've seen come up so far.  In the mornings that we have to leave early for work, I think I should be able to deal with enough snow to get out the driveway in about half an hour, then deal with the rest of it after work.  So I want to buy a reliable machine with a powerful motor, wide intake, and good traction for my steep gravel driveway...  thanks again for all the input so far.


Re: Honda 1132 snowblower for a tall guy?
#2   May 27, 2009 9:16 am
definitely would like to go with the Honda, as I've had good luck with Honda OPE in the past, and we have a good local dealer.  I've located the 2" extension that is for sale, which should bring the overall height of the machine to 42" or so.  I'll be using the machine for clearing my gravel driveway though, and based on my understanding of how it works, I'll have to set the intake/auger up a bit higher, thus bringing the bars even lower.  

It would be very helpful to hear from any tall people using this machine... does it give you a sore back?

Honda 1132 snowblower for a tall guy?
#3   May 20, 2009 12:36 pm
Howdy from Northern Canada -

Just bought a place in a major snow belt, with a 100 yard crushed gravel driveway leading up to the house.  Oh yes, there's hills too..  about 40' of 16% grade.  I've decided I want to blow, not push the snow, and my wife and I've decided that we can't justify the cost of a tractor/snowblower combo for the job.  But I think I have clearance to get a good snowblower.  We NEED something to clear the drive every morning, and this year we had a ton of snow from December until April.  We already have a 9HP snapper 24" city model, but we are going to need something more substantial. 

Given the 16% grade, the gravel, and the need for a dependable machine, I'm really leaning towards a Honda, or a Simplicity pro series.  The biggest question I have about the Honda though, is if it will be uncomfortable for me to operate.  I'm 36 years old, and still fairly young and limber, but I'm 6'4".  I've been told that the Honda handlebars sit too low to the ground to be comfortable to operate, but there are none available locally for me to check out.  Any comments?

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