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John McMahan |
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Jan 26, 2009 4:40 pm |
Re: Ariens 1336 pro Boat anchor
#1 Jan 26, 2009 4:34 pm |
Well, all I can say is the Ariens12/36ST I had ate everything that was thrown at it, commercially a money maker for 11 hard years. I've only been running this new 1336DLE Pro for a month so I don't know if problems are coming or not. So far its been chawing up ice plow truck berms and last night I ate a Sunday Vail Daily and kept on going. I haven't busted a shear pin yet. Today it was 32 degree slushy blower clogging crap and I was worried. NO PROBLEM!! It was like Niagra Falls flying out of there. The temp swings have been awful since I've had this machine, and I have'nt clogged a chute yet. I can't understand why yours can't handle your driveway?...It has to be crippled somehow. Confused, Hope you get it dialed
Re: Ariens 1336 pro Boat anchor
#2 Jan 16, 2009 5:32 am |
I've had a 12/36 ST for 11 years, using it for business approximately 60 hrs a season in various states of snow conditions from slushy to chunky ice. I've ran news papers through it and made confetti, hit conrete trowels and chunked them out into scrap metal, ran gravel like a machine gun and basically abused the machine. I maintain and paint it regularly. In the off season it gets all points maint. Before xmas 08, I was having carb issues and had to order a new carb from Ariens. (11yrs of abuse later) While it was on order, a storm was expected and since I have alot of people counting on me, I decided it was time to upgrade to the machine I had been drooling over for 5 or so years. The 1336 DLE. So December 27, 2008 I bought it for 3345.00 in Denver. This machine is above and beyond the awesomeness of the 12/36. I have to down throw snow because it is a launcher. The automatic differential is great, the quick turn chute is an arm saver, and heated handles means I can go gloveless if I want. If you are having problems, you either got a lemon, or the setup is wrong from the dealer. (govener, carb or?) I would not go around bad mouthing the best snow removal machines ever made. All others are just inferior, period. Hopefully they (Ariens, not your dealer) will hook you up with another machine or dial it in properly for you. Good Luck