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Name Rick A.
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Location Wisconsin
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Date Joined Nov 7, 2009
Date Last Access Jan 2, 2012 5:11 am
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Re: Throttle speed lever is loose - ARIENS 1332LE
#1   Feb 23, 2011 3:26 pm
My 1332LE is doing the same thing, however mine still holds at full throttle since the detent at full throttle still has tension. It however does not hold position at 3/4 throttle and less. I haven't pulled the cover to look at it yet but am guessing that it is a rivet with a spring washer. My thought is to take the lever assembly off and flatten the rivet a little tighter.

Does anyone else experience governor hunting and occasional backfiring?? Mine does, I think due to the fixed main jet having a burr, or just not drilled to the proper size. I think they run these things too lean probably due to government mandates. A little richer jetting I think would makeup the power that mine seems to lack................

Re: Ariens ST1332LE 32"
#2   Jan 29, 2011 2:11 pm
trouts2 wrote:
  Either too lean from the jet or slightly dirty carb not allowing full fuel flow at max load.  If a main jet is at the bottom of the bowl then a 1 1/2 turns out from gently closed is the factory setting and 1 on the low idle.  Going past 2 turns on the main jet would indicate someting is wrong with the carb.  Usually 1/4 turn in or out from 1 1/2 smooths things out, mostly out.  Some carbs have a big influence from the low idle and some have very little so you could check that also.  8-10 inches isn't that much for that machine to handle $#%*fortably.

Thanks for the reply. I will have to look at the carb again since I thought it was a fixed main jet, not adjustable. I feel that the low power is directly related to the lean condition though since the longer the run with max load, the worse it seems to be. As far as a dirty carb, it's possible but the machine only has about 8hrs run time since brand new.
Re: Ariens ST1332LE 32"
#3   Jan 29, 2011 6:08 am
Surfs_up_Today wrote:    

When I got my Ariens 1332 I was freeked out how much it was pulling to the side.   That was three years ago....once I adjusted it, it was fine.   Now it spins on a dime, it feels SMALL, in any snow condition.      But there is one important adustment you must make (if it is off).   Study the book, but I will try here from memory.    The unit comes it two big pcs...two halves....they are the Engine/Wheels and the other half is the Front Auger.   If the conecxtion of these two halves is twisted or not alinged, it will pull.  THis was the problem with mine.    Do the following:

Does your 1332 have the Tecumseh engine?? Reason I ask is mine is alittle low on power, I think it is jetted too lean. When it comes out of a heavy load the governor surges and even backfires through the carb. When it is warmer out (ie) 25-30* its not as bad, but when it is near 0* the air is dense and the problem is worse. It is low on power when going through 8-10" of snow, and that is even with it in low gear. I am thinking of jetting it up 2 notches if the jets are even available and I think that will give it alittle more power.

Re: Ariens ST1332LE 32"
#4   Jan 29, 2011 5:58 am
Paul7 wrote:
Did you mean that in "no wheels turn".  With the trigger unlocked the right side wheel should turn.  "Right side" from standing behind the unit.  With the trigger locked BOTH wheels should turn.

No, not literally, right side still turns, but not much for traction.....
Re: Ariens ST1332LE 32"
#5   Jan 28, 2011 5:53 pm
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am going to work on it tomorrow since we are getting snow tonight.............. I will let all know what the outcome was....


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