Old Old Old Craftsman Lawn Tractor Issues
#1 May 4, 2009 11:31 am |
My friend recently gave me a very old craftsman tractor, most likely from the 60's or earlier. It has a 3-speed transmission with a 6 hp engine on it.
Well I have been trying to get the thing running for a few weeks now and finally got it to pull start but still is not turning over. I put some dry gas in it and hopefully it will turn over now, if not It looks like I'll be cleaning the carb.
Well to my question, I noticed that the transmission grinds into gear. If I did a rolling start and kicked it into gear, it would grind. There is no clutch that I can see and I wonder how this thing is going to go into gear once it is running. I noticed that if I put it into first and pulled the pull start, it would move forward. So I don't see why the tranny would be seized. Any ideas to this issue? Any help for getting it started and going would be great!
By the way, so far I have replaced the spark plug and replaced the gas while adding dry gas.
Thanks, Big Ross