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Scott Crawford |
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May 20, 2005 12:20 pm |
Re: Gravely 21 pro sch vs lower Ariens (SLM 21S)
#1 May 20, 2005 11:29 am |
$779...list is $880 or so.
Re: Gravely 21 pro sch vs lower Ariens (SLM 21S)
#2 May 19, 2005 6:29 am |
Well...I broke down and did it. I went with the Gravely. Reasons were the commercial grade Honda, the sturdiness of the handle (no flex when you lift the front wheels off the ground....NONE), and the apparent simplicity and durability of the self propelled drive system. So...last night I mowed with it. The self propel system is so strong. I can do nothing to stop it when I forget to release the control. I could stop my old Toro, but not this. I think I'm going to have to re-learn how to mow, just like I'm still learning how to let my snow thrower do the work. I did have one problem...the self propel speed kept creeping up to where I was almost running to keep up with it. A quick visit with a wrench to tighten up a bolt fixed that. Also...both rear wheels need to have good traction in order to get it to go. If one isn't firmly planted, the mower goes nowhere. I'll have to look closer at the mechanism.
I'll do a better/formal review after I've used it for a while.
Re: Gravely 21 pro sch vs lower Ariens (SLM 21S)
#3 May 17, 2005 4:49 am |
On the left side handle is a choke/throttle, on the right is the variable speed setting push or pull it to change the speed (location of friction disc on the platter attached to motor). No electric start. The bar in front is supposed to protect the valve cover, but it seems like it would brace the deck. I compared the feel of the handles between the Ariens and Gravely. The Gravely is bolted into place, where the Ariens is pinned (adjustable height). Gravely=no flex....Ariens=minimal. A great difference for me, being used to massive flex from my old Toro, which wasn't adjustable and hit my about the level of my manhood. Who knew such an option existed...I'm 6'6", no wonder my back always hurt when I got done mowing. They say the deletion of the side discharge allows for a much stronger deck.
Re: Gravely 21 pro sch vs lower Ariens (SLM 21S)
#4 May 16, 2005 11:23 am |
Thanks Marshall. I posted a few times on the old board, but haven't been active yet here.
I know it's more than I need, but I can swing I just might.
Was hoping to find someone who has one or the other for comments....I'll try to be patient. I like the openness and simplicity of the Gravely self propel system.
Gravely 21 pro sch vs lower Ariens (SLM 21S)
#5 May 16, 2005 9:16 am |
I know they're the same company. For a normal homeowner (just about 1/4 acre), is the extra money $600 vs $775 worth the upgrades. Heavier drive system Kawasaki vs OHV Honda
The Gravely just felt rock solid. I know I lose the adjustable height on the bar, but I'm the one that mows.
I can't find hardly any reviews on either. These are why my dealer of choice (bought a lot from him) sells. Should I go to my other guy in town and look at Hondas or something else?
Thanks Scott