Bagless Hoover Wind Tunnel, T Series loses suction
#1 Nov 24, 2012 12:37 pm |
I noticed a ~2/3 reduction in suction in our UH70130, so tried some things:
1. Cleaned the primary (blue) filter
2. Cleaned the canister assembly, inside (to the extent it can be reached) and inside the actual canister itself
3. Tested the suction with the canister on, with the canister off, and with the canister on and the filter uninstalled
4. Bought a new HIPAA filter. This helped a little bit.
1. and 2. did no good.
3. showed that with the canister installed, suction remained low, EXCEPT with the canister off. With the canister off, the suction at the handle was like new, i.e., impressive.
So does anybody know anything about this?
Thank you very much.
Donald Cook.