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Jul 21, 2009 1:15 am |
Re: Halo Vacuum... What happened to them... We now know....
#1 Jul 21, 2009 1:15 am |
I have heard talk of a new Canister and Air Purifier with Halo ....Maybe Oreck will put it to good use. i wasnt impressed with the Halo Vac as the suction isnt as good as my XL21 or that the fact that my vac virtually pulls itself along..As far a germ killing goes...if we dont ever have germs and get sick from time to time, will our immune systems ever have a chance to get stronger..Im sure its great for newborns and helth ridden children..but not for everyone.
Re: Oreck sues Dyson TWICE over Dyson's advertised claim of - “No Loss of Suction”...
#2 Jul 21, 2009 1:01 am |
I guess I understand DIBs problems with Oreck..its a whole back and forth thing... Advertising will always have creative exaggeration....I think the Oreck lawsuit is about Dyson telling a flat out LIE....I think the Manual for Dyson says its doesnt CLOG, but can aquire a "blockage"..hahahaha... Innovaion huh... Where do you have to send a Dyson to get get repaired again..I wouldnt know..I have a local Oreck dealer..And how much does it cost to ship a 25+lb vac...again I wouldnt know..mine weighs less than 9lbs...Oh and emptying this Dyson...where does all of that dust and debris go anyway..mostly into the trash and back into the air for you to breath..Talk about innovations. I would bet that there is a Dyson vac in almost every Oreck store for comparison.....
Orecks dont have a need for much improvment over what was created many many years ago. Have they made improvement..of course the inner bags alone are now available in a cloth like material that creates better air flow accompanied with charcoal to reduce pet smells(and the seal off the dirt) . Metal fans that use to chip and shatter are now replaced with plastic that may wear down, but will not bust and get slung thru a plastic housing. the belts that people complain about..are there to prevent motor damage in case the brush gets entangled. Tell that to Hoover owners when the plastic assemble breaks that spins those front brushes( I use to have one). and im sure there are many more improvements over the years. As far as looks go..the NEW Platnium Plus has a carbon fiber top cover. How fururistic and innovative do they really have to get? It doesnt have to look like a spaceship or be that difficult to use...Yes ive seen the Dyson that the handle comes apart and slides thru the slinky hose just to clean the baseboard edges. Bet thats real fun to work when your trying to finish cleaning up for a dinner party or in a hurry becuase the Mother-in-law is coming over.
They have incorporated(bought out) other companins and incorporated thier tecnologies..IE Ironman and Halo. Oreck not only produces a high quality/high warranty vac, but also has Cleaning products, Floor polishers, Shampooers, Steamers, Air Purifiers, Heaters, and a whole commercial line/division of the company just for supplying businesses witht he tools that they need to keep thier companies clean..So is there really a queastion of what oreck spends on new technologies..They found an idea and incorrorated it..they BOUGHT it..didnt steal it or copy some other manufactures.
Sry to everyone..I dont mean to go off on a tangent, but when some are misinformed/uneducated and have an extremly closed mind it tends to bring out the worst in people...
I do own an Oreck(many) and enjoy them, but I appreciate what other companies bring to the table. I generally wont slam any product over one or two bad attributes..all vacs have a negative factor here and there.. There is always a compromise..and that compromise is what connects a machine to its owner.... You dont go mud ridding in a the same time you dont take a hugh 4wheel drive truck with 52inch tires on the Audibon either
Personall all the Nah Nahing is kinda childish, but we all like to play in the sandbox at
Re: Frieze,Beber and Shag, OH MY!
#3 Jul 20, 2009 11:42 pm |
I would say that since Carpet and Rug manufacturers have warrantys you have to abide by then by all means do just that by buying the appropriate equipment for the job... I will push Oreck since i own many of the products, but im sure other manufactures have the same Ideas. Oreck has 2 different full sized canisters that have power heads that the brush can be turned off. In additon to that they have an attachment called a Shag Rake for seperating fibers...there are also new attachments for the uprights that acctually moves the brush away from the carpet..I have one..cost me $10 ..or a chaeper solution would be to just remove the belt to clean those areas..its one screw access.
Re: Vacuum cleaner salesman par excellence . . .
#4 Jul 20, 2009 11:21 pm |
I like that line it leaves when it goes over the ...that guys just a pitch man..not really good at sales..he pauses and studders a bit..
Re: Oreck XL Pro-Plus @ Costco... Now with pictures...
#5 Jul 20, 2009 11:04 pm |
It my understanding that Oreck does back any warranty of its vacs sold from other stores. After a log discussion last week, my friend explained to me that Oreck is also sold by HSN and JC Penny's and is on their websites as well, but they have restrictions on what products and how they sell them that the Home Care and Franchise stores do not have to follow as closely.
Form the picture , it doesnt look as sleek as the newest Oreck line out...maybe last years design..It seems to have a better handle on it than the base model the my Sister has. I guess the other question is if it has 2 speeds or not. i love the fact the my XL21 has a high and low speed.