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Name John
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Date Joined Jan 25, 2005
Date Last Access May 17, 2005 8:04 pm
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Re: Which is better buy? Sears Honda 5.5HP vs Briggs 6.75HP Lawnmower
#1   May 17, 2005 7:20 pm
Thxs for your opinion...yes they are the exact same mower with the same frame , blade and features....just the different engines.  Any other opinions out there? Do others agree?
Re: Which is better buy? Sears Honda 5.5HP vs Briggs 6.75HP Lawnmower
#2   May 17, 2005 7:07 pm
It's a Honda GC engine vs a Briggs Quantum engine....which would you choose between those two?
Re: Which is better buy? Sears Honda 5.5HP vs Briggs 6.75HP Lawnmower
#3   May 17, 2005 3:54 pm
Why would the Honda need more maintenance?     Is it less reliable?
Which is better buy? Sears Honda 5.5HP vs Briggs 6.75HP Lawnmower
#4   May 16, 2005 4:56 pm
Hi All , I am about to buy a new Lawnmower.  I live in Canada and narrowed it down to 2 Sears Craftsmen models.  They are the same push type mowers with only one difference....the engines!  I have my choice of a 5.5HP Honda Engine for a price of $349  ($80 off this week!) or a 6.75HP Briggs and Stratton engine for a price of $299 ( this is the Sears value price so it is always on special)

Not that there is much difference and I am sure both are good machines, but I am wondering what you guys think is the better machine/deal/value?  Which engine is better?  The Briggs has more that key? 

Also, very important to me is which machine/engine is more reliable and requires less maintenance and will last the longest?

Is it a coin toss or is one clearly the better choice?.....All opinions are welcomed and thxs!


Re: Snowblower Companies Market Share
#5   Jan 31, 2005 4:55 pm
I think Toro sells a tonof their single stage models which really helps them out big with their market share.  And rightfully so, my brother has the Toro 3650 and for the size of that machine and what it can do it's just an awesome machine that can take a lot of abuse and is very reliable.   The MTD # is not surprising either as they sell a ton of thier low priced models.  In stumbled over the site while browsing for info on tv's!
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