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Date Joined Oct 27, 2011
Date Last Access Dec 15, 2011 3:56 pm
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Re: Any new snowblowers out for 2012
#1   Dec 15, 2011 3:53 pm
Steve_Cebu wrote:
Interesting that they do not list the 926OXE as having freewheel steering.

Freewheel Steering

Turn on a dime! Wheels can be disengaged independently or simultaneously with trigger controls - making turning, reversing, and steering easy for anyone. Available on 826 OXE, 828 OXE, 1028 OXE, and 1128 OXE Power Max models.

Toro is notoriously slow for updating their information especially the website.  It took them at least a year to acknowledge that the 826 had been given freewheel steering.  Look at the model numbers you have listed... All are pre-2012 variations. 
Re: Where should you buy your Snowblower ?
#2   Nov 23, 2011 11:55 am
New_Yorker wrote:
They carry a 'Cub Cadet' machine, not all, and not the one I have been reading about in Consumer Reports with a 16" auger and 16" impeller (fan).

MTD makes them, so there should be a place that sells them and services.  I do the on line searches BEFORE I ask such a question here.   Farm & Fleet suggested would be a long commute for anyone like me, living in New York State.   Why anyone would buy such a producta from a Home Depot Box Store always makes me wonder. They have  no service, no parts, no repairs, nobody who knows anything about the machine, and God help you if they have the minimum wage inept store clerk assemble it for you.  It's like the worst of all worlds to buy a snowblower from.  Yet the people do buy from them, and what's even scarier, these people also can, 'Vote'.  Imagine they are as wise in choosing who to vote for; like I said, Scary!

Easy there... Just trying to help...  What you had posted made no indication of  searching local dealers hence multiple people telling you to check their website.  That said, I do agree with Scot's comments on quality and maybe the lack thereof with MTD/ the problems with consumer reports and AA335's list of some of the better brands like Ariens, Simplicity, Honda, and Toro.  As someone who just went through a similar process as you, I'd advice reconsidering on cub cadet.   Looking at Toro dealers about 50 miles east of NYC gives someone like this.
Re: Where should you buy your Snowblower ?
#3   Nov 22, 2011 7:37 pm
Cub Cadet's website has a dealer locator that allows you to search for independent dealers.  Using the tool, there appear to be several on Long Island. 
Re: Need advice on new 2-stage
#4   Nov 13, 2011 6:56 pm
jpmeyer wrote:
I plan on replacing a 12 year-old Toro 1-stage with a new 2-stage this season. I live in Northern Illinois and we get around 50 inches per year, with only a few snowfalls of more than 8 inches. However, my old Toro was sadly overmatched against last February's 20-incher and I need something that my wife can use in a pinch. I've got about 200 feet of sidewalk and about a 5-car driveway, all with modest slope. I also need to deal with significant end-of-driveway muck and to clear a curb cut that the neighborhood kids use to get to the bus stop. Ideally, I want something that can throw snow from my driveway and back walk over a 5-7 foot retaining wall and onto a hillside behind my house, something my Toro can do under only very limited circumstances. My garage space limits me to a 24- or 26-inch wide model. I tend to buy higher-quality, more expensive machines and to keep them maintained and in service for quite a while. Questions: How do 2-stage machines of this size do with the more common, smaller snowfalls (3 to 6 inches)? Any particular features I should look for to maximize performance in these common conditions? Would a 26-inch model do better because it collects snow from a larger path? I am leaning toward a Husqvarna 24-inch model because it will be easier to manage in the garage and has roughly the same power as a 26-inch Toro (which also seems to be using a brand new engine this year, which causes me concern). Any thoughts on these or other brands? Thanks, Jon

I'm kind of in the same situation as you with a smaller area to clear and a slightly smaller retaining wall.  I ultimately ended up going with the Toro 826 OXE (their 26" two stage).  I can't comment on the Husqvarna, but a couple of things on the Toro.  I agree with the previous commenter that I'd take your wife along and have her try out both if she is going to be using it.  The Toro is incredibly easy to operate and moves around almost as easily without power by engaging both wheel clutches.  You may still be able to get the Toro with the Briggs and Stratton Engine as well.  I did.  The 826 has the B&S, the 926 does not.  The consensus here appears to be that this year is a transition year for Toro has they exhaust their existing B&S stock and transition to their "Toro" labeled engines.  The engine on the 826 is equivalent if not exactly the same to the Husky you are looking at, both about 250cc B&S.  I'm not sure you'd go wrong with either choice though. 
Re: Trying to Decide Between Single or Two Stage
#5   Nov 13, 2011 6:44 pm
I ended up getting an 826 got a good deal from the dealer and it was too good to pass up. 
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