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Jul 3, 2008 5:24 am |
Re: “Anything” Dyson that makes news.
#1 Jul 3, 2008 5:24 am |
Motor: Here's the truth. Within the first year of launch, dyson retooled the DC07 u-bend air way joint. Making it permanent on the DC07-s and not removable. It was removable originally on the first and early DC-07's supposedly to allow users to clear clogs/blockages. It had a yellow thumb tab on it to depress to remove/attach. Carmine D.
Ok so a few pages of debate had me curious so I called Dyson. The lady I talked to get a bit of a chuckle when I asked about them making this piece "not removable". She explained that the confusion probably comes from a change made in how it comes of making it necessary to bend down and use a hand as oppossed to pressing it down with a foot. However, it is still very removable and both the instruction manual and their phone staff use than as one of the first places to "remove" and check for a larger object you may have sucked up in error.
So was removable and still is removable but they did apparently change how you remove it. The current way seems pretty easy to get off and on. I would guess boths sides of the debate by now know it is still removable, but this debate is really more about personalities than the machines.
Re: “Anything” Dyson that makes news.
#2 Jul 2, 2008 12:35 pm |
From my perspective, obviously the minority, your statement is the basis for the u-bend airway joint being permanent. Carmine D. I guess I'm still confused what the change was then. If they "changed" it to make it "permanent" but it always has been removable does that mean it used to be disposable?
Re: “Anything” Dyson that makes news.
#3 Jul 2, 2008 4:14 am |
So you are saying the paper bags and filters that we replace on vacuums are "permanent" pieces? Trying to figure out what the fuss was all about I stopped by a Best Buy and looked at a Dyson. That "upbend" thing slid off with a push of a thumb. Kind of seems like it would come in handy to get stuff out that you probably shouldn't have run over in the first place. Store staff said it has always done this. What am I missing?
Re: “Anything” Dyson that makes news.
#4 Jun 30, 2008 3:14 pm |
Hello JackD: Can I conclude, since you have changed directions in your posts, that your concerns are satisfied at least for now with the dyson printed claims, their revisions, and the events and dialogue surrounding them? Carmine D.
Not really, I am still researching. A little confused by the posts here. Seems to be both some strong support for Dyson here as well as what seems to be some vitriol towards the company and/or product. I guess I am just first trying to figure out what the animosity is about from both sides as well as trying to figure out some facts as I don't think I could figure them out from this site alone as it appears to be a bit of emotional "gotcha" rather than Pro and Con discussion. I suspect there is not really a "consumer" debate going on here but a few "insiders" looking to influence the market in thier direction. I do appreciate the answer and the point in the right direction but in reading the posts I think I might be better off looking for the answer myself.
I guess my follow-up was really just trying to figure out what the Non-Dyson side's "angle" was as the other side seems obvious. So I really didn't "change direction" in my posts I am still fact finding, perhaps guards may come up quickly here.
Re: “Anything” Dyson that makes news.
#5 Jun 30, 2008 2:34 pm |
Isn't high product turnover good for a company? I mean what company doesn't want new product turnover to boost the bottom line with resales? As I read here there definitely seems to be a healthy "Dyson" debate with a couple of posters on both sides. It is obvious by the Pro Dyson side who they like, but I am curious what company the other sides posters prefer? Is there currently a more succesful company that you guys stand behind? If so how do they hold prices in these economic times, re sell without product line turnover, and how are they currently more succesful than Dyson? It just seems so easy to nit pick a company if all you are going to do is take the negative side so I am wondering what you see as the current and climbing success story.