Re: Kirby G4 not working.
#1 Feb 13, 2013 5:36 am |
Hi Cleaningvacuum12
This is my very first post here so this is a special reply for me.
I am a carpet cleaner and I live in Australia. In our business (which has only been trading a short while), we use several Kirby's for our dry pickup process. We find them eceptionally good, and I'm very much of a different view to the other respondent who said it's a bad vacuum for dirt pickup. This is where I find the machine really shines. I desperately need a vacuum cleaner with solid performance for soil recovery on carpet jobs.
In my industry an often quoted statistic is that 79% of all soil in carpets is best removed dry, which means by a vacuum or pile lifter. Outside of pile lifters and really wide track commercial machines; the Kirby is a pretty good machine.
Now as to the issue of the non functioning Kirby G4.
Look, you've already worked this out. Water and Kirby's are a "No - No".
How long ago did you do this tot he Kirby?
How did you get the water into the unit?
Was it running when you used the water?
Did it stop when the water was introduced or did you stop it?
If you can give me a little more maybe I can help.