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Name Walter Heuck
Email Address private
Gender Male
Location Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Personal Quote "too much is just right" - Carroll Shelby
Privileges Normal user
Points 2
Number of Posts 2
Number of Reviews 0
Date Joined Oct 4, 2010
Date Last Access Oct 15, 2010 7:42 pm
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Re: Where Does The Deere 1330SE Fit Into the Cosmic Scheme of Things
#1   Oct 5, 2010 5:01 pm
I can only comment on what I've tried so far in my garage and on my driveway as far as steering. It seems to work great on dry conditions. As I push forward on one handle and pull back on the other, the one wheel seems to stop while the other one pulls the machine around the corner. This thing is still so new to me that I have to play with it a bit more to really understand how it does what it does.
Re: Where Does The Deere 1330SE Fit Into the Cosmic Scheme of Things
#2   Oct 5, 2010 3:29 pm
Hey folks...brand new here, but I thought I better sign up cause I tend to research the crap out of everything before I buy...drives my wife nuts. But anyways...I thought i had it all figured out as to which snow blower I was going to buy. I had my mind made up and was bound and determined that I was going to get an Ariens Pro 28...fully loaded and more power and options that I could ever want, and was built like a brick ****house. So I went in to the dealer that handles them and was looking right the machine and then the guy asks me if I've ever considered a John Deere? After what probably seemed like an entire minute with a really dumb look on my face, I said no not really. Then he shows me the John Deere 1330SE. B&S professional series engine with 16.5 ft./lbs of torque (best guess after much time on the net is that it is around 13 hp) and all the best features plus the electric chute control both left/right and up/down. Two settings for the hand warmers, and still built like a brick ****house. They wanted around $2600.00 for the Ariens and $1500.00 for JD. Boy that 1330SE sure looks good sitting in my garage and the $1100.00 I saved looks even better in my account. Can hardly wait for snow. Take care.
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