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David Keith |
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May 24, 2005 7:54 pm |
John Deere Oil Filters
#1 May 24, 2005 7:16 pm |
I have a JD LX172 lawn tractor with a 14 hp. Kawasaki engine. The ol filters are about $ 7.50 at the JD dealer.I cross referenced them and NAPA Auto Parts has 2 listed. The regular filter is only $ 3.29 and the NAPA GOLD is $ 6.49. Wix Filters has them also but I forgot the price. Just wondered who manufacturers JD oil filters?. The JD filter AM107423 looks like a cheap filter. I haven't cut one apart to see what it looks like. They must be ok, have had the mower since 1993 (new) and no problems with the engine. Just thought I would throw the question out and see if most use OEM filters or another brand on their equipment.
Re: Dremel blade sharpener
#2 May 24, 2005 7:00 pm |
Thanks for all the opinions. I think I will buy a small 4.5 inch hand grinder to use. I have a bench grinder that I have used before to sharpen my blades, but like some of you said it is hard keep a proper angle. That is the reason I wanted to maybe use a Dremel because it always keeps the correct angle. Is there some type of attachment you can use with a hand grinder to keep the same angle ?. What grit grinding disc do most of you use ?.
Dremel blade sharpener
#3 May 21, 2005 9:06 pm |
Does anyone use the Dremel Tool lawnmower blade sharpening attachment ?. I saw one at HD for around $ 9.00. Seems like it would work ok ,but may be slow. If anyone has any favorable opinions on it I may go get one.
Re: Opti-mizer
#4 May 19, 2005 1:57 pm |
Thanks for the info. sherri. I now remember seeing the Opti-4 engine oil in a farm supply store one day but didn't associate it with the Opti-mizer gas additive. It sounds like it may be a little more economical and as good or better than Sta-bil. I may try to locate some and give it a try . Thanks again for replying to my question.
#5 May 19, 2005 9:15 am |
I saw some fuel stabilizer yesterday called " Opti-mizer ". It was in a small plastic container. It said it treated 1 to 2.5 gallons of gas and kept the gas fresh for 24 months. It seems to be comparable to Sta-bil. I have always used Sta-bil and wondered if anyone on the forum was using Opti-mizer and if they liked it ?. I found the one packet of it while cleaning out a garage for a friend who bought the house. I don't even know if it's still being sold.I forgot he manufacurers name on the packet and it got thrown out.