Hand held vacuum cleaners
Light to hold and perfect for a quick cleanup of a concentrated space (think around your babys high chair) hand held vacuums may be just what you need. Hand held vacuums can operate with a circulating brush when you are cleaning a carpet. However there are other models that have no brush and rely totally on suction to keep your home clean. This type of vacuum is particularly adept at cleaning bare floors.
There are models with cords, and some without that depend on batteries. The cordless vacuum is certainly handy for that quick job. Just whisk it off its charger turn it on, and away goes the mess. The rechargeable battery allows the vacuum to run for about ten or twenty minutes
certainly enough time to accomplish small jobs. You can even take it outside to clean a mess on your deck or sand or dirt in your car. Consider having a hand held vac for this kind of application, plus if you have a dog, cat or children, it wouldnt hurt to have this item at your fingertips.
