
Panasonic Fold & Go
Avg. Price: $159
Big vac for little places
by lil_town_vac_man (dawolfie@msn.com) of Commerce GA
Posted on 6/12/2003 |

I have sold two of these machines so far, one to a college student and one to an older couple who had a large RV. Both were in need of a reliable, strong vacuum, but had little storage. The handle rotates down to make this vacuum very compact for storage.
The bagless system is easy to open and easy to replace. The older couple noticed a difference in the ease compared to other brands with tight locks on the containers. For the college student, the bagless design was ideal.
Since it is a Panasonic, I am very conifident in the reliability factor. The hose is made of vinyl, not blow molded plastic. The tools are easy to understand. And the machine is a bypass system, so the motor is protected from debris.
Pros |
Cons |
Folding handle, on board tools, light weight, full size motor (12 amp)
bagless, color (its red and black, not bad if you like Georgia football)
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