
Rexair Inc.
Avg. Price: $1850
Save your money
by AS (as04@yahoo.com) of Omaha, NE
Posted on 5/8/2007 |

We bought this on the auspices that it was hands-down the best. It is supposed to trap all of the dust and dirt in the water so you can flush it away. But it doesn't trap the dust, just stirs it up. As for easily emptying...not so if you have sand, hair, or dirt. If your carpets are uber-clean, it's not bad to empty, but if you leave your house and come home or if you're not totally bald, good luck. DEFINITELY not worth the money. You could spend <50 and get the same results.
Pros |
Cons |
You get a 1-hour in-home demonstration of how it works.
Doesn't clean well, sends flying everywhere, a pain to empty, a pain to clean, heavy, bulky, doesn't roll well, especially on carpet
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