HEPA and your vacuum cleaner
As soon as you begin shopping for your vacuum cleaner, you will see the term HEPA written on sales literature. This refers to a high efficiency particular air filter that keeps dust and allergens out of the air and trapped in the vacuum instead of hurling them back into the air in your home. The HEPA filters are held to high standards and are tested to make sure they do their job. There are also HEPA like filters that are similar to their higher end brothers but more often than not do the same job
they just lack the certification. Look for standard filters to remove the larger particles in the air and in your carpets, but if you need a more efficient removal of allergens, get a micron filter to capture teeny dust as small as three micrometers. These filters also claim almost a hundred per cent efficiency rate as well. So know what your requirements are when it comes to any family members allergies.
