Nothings working on very dirty carpet Original Message Sep 3, 2022 11:33 pm
I've been using various vacs (canister w/PN; suction only canister; shop vac & old Hoover Convertible) 4 vacing apartment hallway carpet that hadn't been vacuumed at all I was using a Ridgid shop vac w/Cleanstream HEPA filter & Casa Vacuum HEPA bag & a rug nozzle like this: & only got a bit of dirt before the bag pores clogged; changed the bag only 2 repeat this pattern Then I used a upright like a Hoover Convertible (using bottom fill style C bag) thinking the 'beats as it sweeps as it cleans' would work but only 4 a short while Seems like I'm picking up fine black 'soot type' dirt What vac will work on situations like this? I might use the Ridgid 4 above floor vacing & get a Kirby or Sanitaire?
Re: Nothings working on very dirty carpet Reply #1 Sep 7, 2022 3:26 pm
Do you have access to a Sebo or Windsor upright? Run that over it and then have it professionally deep steam cleaned. Once the carpet is deep cleaned any good vacuum with a powered brush ought to keep it clean if you vacuum it regularly.
Re: Nothings working on very dirty carpet Reply #2 Sep 13, 2022 2:59 pm
The apt maintenance has Sanitaires but only maintenance can use them I might stick 2 my Ridgid shop vac This apt complex is primarily senior citizen residence; but when I posted this topic the cleaning crew just began vacing the corridors after 2 yrs of no cleaning due 2 Covid-19 pandemic (the complex hired a 'disinfecting crew' that just sprayed disinfectant & ran around w/a UV-C lamp)
Re: Nothings working on very dirty carpet Reply #3 Sep 17, 2022 2:08 pm
Pancake motor soft bag Sanitaire uprights are not very good. We have them at work but when they won't clean the carpet from something like cross cut shredding or unbrewed ground coffee I managed to drop on the floor one day that the miserable Sanitaire would not touch, we go to the custodial crew and borrow on of their Windsor Sensor S12 uprights. They do the job.