Sebo claims that their X7 Premium vac offers a "boost" brush mode (switch selected) that makes it more aggressive on carpet, as well as a headlight.
The Sebo E3, one of their newer Canisters, uses the older ET-1 head which does work well on ultra plush carpet and has LED indicators for bare floor (yellow = brush off), carpet (green = brush on), jam (slow blinking red), not engaged to rug (steady or rapidly pulsing red).
Their Felix, due to weight on powerhead, tends to bog down in ultra plush carpet, and its flexible hose, if collapsed by suction, can yank the vac over / towards you. However, Sebo now offers both a soft brush roll and a high-airflow front bumper for the ET-1 that minimize bogging down problems (Vacuums R Us Youtube videos will offer more details)....found the changes definitely helped.
IMHO Sebo's improved over the years and their vacs are generally solidly built, generally quiet, have long lasting motors ( my previous Felix was going strong after 15 years of use) and a long list of spare parts. Sebo air filtration's good but not quite HEPA class.
This message was modified Apr 17, 2023 by vacomatic