Oh OK, many of them that I see online look similar but have different brand names. That makes sense. Do you have a preference between the two? Also the price point for some of them are less than $200 for the power head and hose and attachments. Does that seem too cheap?
It's all good. I've personally used used three styles, the Centec models (usually seen supplied with Kenmore and Panasonic canisters), Wessel Werk's main model (supplied with just about every high-price import come cross the water -- including Miele I believe) and there's also a nozzle that Eureka supplied as part of its long gone Power Team set-ups. It is still in manufacture though I can't name its maker. Any of these should perform well especially with a good and properly installed central vac system.
Choice of purchase relies upon the end-users needs. If you have a variety of carpet types in your home, do you want a PN with pile-height adjustment? Would you prefer simply a vertical pivot for the wand connection to the PN or one that not only vertically pivots up and down but also swivels side-to-side for better maneuverability? However, some of these models may vary by way of belt type. Regular flat belts will probably call for regular checks for wear and slippage as opposed to models using long-life belts.
The other issue is how low do you want to go? On reading your post, I checked out eBay -- try Amazon.com too -- and there's plenty of stuff both used and new around at nice prices from relatively reputable dealers. But, keep in mind that such purchases often do not carry warranty coverage, a trade-off for low price.
Retail, the cost of a decent power nozzle alone can cost the price of a decent canister vac with power nozzle -- approximately 150 bucks to near 300. Electrified hoses were available too at somewhat lower cost than retail prices of $135 and more for the same. However , if you decide to "make up" a set of attachments with saving money in mind, it is up to you to school yourself as to precisely what you're buying and precisely what you need. Does your hose make all connections directly at your wall outlet or need a pigtail? Does your central vac system require low voltage for powering the unit on or off from the hose handle?
Generic above-the-floor and straight-suction tools for flooring can be picked up for little money at just about any good independent vacuum sales and repair shop. Just be sure to take along the suction wand you'll be using to be sure you and the dealer are same-page. Check out the following link for examples.
Hope that helps,
This message was modified Oct 6, 2011 by Venson