Why do most vacs have short hoses? How can people vacuum their homes/auto/RV, etc. with a short hose? Can't the vacs have long hose as standard equipment?
I suppose it has a lot to do with the space design of an upright or cylinder vacuum. Not everyone needs a long hose and nowadays you can buy extensions hoses. I suppose in terms of clean air designed vacuums where the dust travels through a hose to get to the bag, the longer the hose, the less likelihood of the suction being able to pull the dirt in faster. If I was to imagine my SEBO upright or a Miele upright having three times the size of a hose, I reckon it would disrupt the compactness of the standard hose upon the design as well as probably find that dust would clog half way for not having enough thrust from the force of the vacuum to suck up the dirt. Plus it would be hard to store a longer hose on a vacuum as part of its space efficiency design.
In the UK most buyers who own caravans and RV's tend to use small compact cylinder vacuums or of the very limited ranges we have, stick vacs with hoses if they are available.
I will also point out that having a long hose on a cylinder vacuum can be a pain - most are liable to whack off doors bringing off paint when the hose is fully stretched out. More of a pain than a benefit, especially if it destroys your home in the process.
This message was modified May 21, 2011 by vacmanuk