Thanks!Do you guys recommend the Garry?I wanted to know because I sweep everyday and I was wondering if it lasts for a long time or not.
Hi ty977,
An opinion as to whether your new cleaner is worth it or not is probably not that much of a help now -- you've already bought it. However, Consumer Reports assessd the Garry vacuum as very good for getting up pet hair and bare flooring but not so hot at deep-cleaning carpeting. Tool suction was also assessed as poor. I assume you bought the machine with the idea of saving some money in mind, Garry's big pitch, and I by all means hope that works out for you. Were I you, I'd attempt to make a go of it BUT treat the mac hine well.Â
Do a cursory check of your floors for hard objects like pins, coins and kids toys before you start to clean. Check the brushroll regularly and keep it free of lint, hair and string. Change the bag when its about three-fourths full or no further than its fill line if it has one. Following those suggestions would do well no matter the machine you own.
Consumer Reports did make some additional interesting points. The Garry vac is said to weigh 9 pounds and it does -- until the onboard attachments are hooked up. The cleaner's weight increases to 12 pounds. And, at the time of its September 2009 article, CR recommende better performance was available from the $80 Eureka Altima 2691 and the $60 Dirt Devil Featherlite Bagless M085845 in comparison to the Garry vac..
Best of luck,