I agree that Vacuumland members are often disrespectful; the forum has too much controversial topics. Vacworld.org is a MUCH better forum than Vacuumland.org.
They are both run by the same ANAL RETENTIVE people! I laugh my as s off when ever I think about someone who won't let you even view the forum unless you are a member. That just tells me right off what little groupee click thing they have going. Too much... "Little teenage girls at a Slumber party" mentaility for me! Franly, I'd rather enjoy my vacuums without the support and friendship of a forum if it's going to be schucked full of D.H.s like that. I found a couple other forums that are pretty slow like this one, but full of normal people who don't crossdress and rub each others shoulders! I can deal with the small forums just fine. No time for self rightious BS! (grin)
This message was modified Dec 20, 2010 by compact