Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Original Message Aug 25, 2010 2:05 pm
I get wrapped around the axel when it comes to making decisions involving this much $$.  My Hoover 3755 has finally pooped the sheets and I am looking for a high quality, durable replacement.    I have a fair amount of medium shag carpets, a dog who sheds a lot, lots of wood and travertine floors.
I really want the Calisto, but REALLY, REALLY don't want to spend $1k after tax on a vacuum.  I have the opportunity to pick up a Simplicity Verve for under $500 brand new, which places it very close to the price of the Titan (close enough to where the price difference is no issue).  How does the filtration compare between the 3?   I like the idea of having the larger power head which makes me lean towards either the Verve or the Calisto. The Verve also comes with a very comprehensive set of tools.  If I REALLY have to, I will pony up for the Calisto if people here think it is worth it, or is the price I can get the Verve for a no-brainer and something I should do?  Or the Titan?  Help.Â
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #3 Aug 25, 2010 5:23 pm
bigdrunk92037 wrote:
Thanks much for the feedback. There is a great shop run by nice folks near my home who carry both brands and I intend to purchase from them. (not worth to go the internet route to save on sales tax).  I am curious about one thing though, in your best estimation, if the Calisto were to be rated a 10 out of 10 in its filtering ability, what would you rate the Verve?
Same same. A 10. Both are 100 percent sealed S-Class HEPA rated systems.Â
Carmine D.
This message was modified Aug 25, 2010 by CarmineD
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #6 Aug 27, 2010 4:53 pm
The Callisto can be purchased with the smaller P/N for 799.00, larger for 899.00 from an authorized dealer, but you will not hear those prices quoted over the phone. The Titan has the same motor as the Callisto, the differences being, the smaller head comes with it, period, and hose grip does not have the added swivel joint, and the tools are mounted outside on the hose coupling. It sells for 499.00
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #7 Aug 27, 2010 5:16 pm
I picked up a Verve today. I plan on not unboxing the unit for a day or two to see if I have any second thoughts. I typically like to buy the highest end stuff. When I don't buy the highest end I often times wish I did. I will see in a few days..... But hey, its only a vacuum, I am sure the Verve will serve me well.
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #8 Aug 28, 2010 3:03 am
bigdrunk92037 wrote:
I picked up a Verve today. I plan on not unboxing the unit for a day or two to see if I have any second thoughts. I typically like to buy the highest end stuff. When I don't buy the highest end I often times wish I did. I will see in a few days..... But hey, its only a vacuum, I am sure the Verve will serve me well.
The MIELE Callisto/Titan and the SIMPLICITY Verve will all serve you well. The vacuum that serves you the best, like any other consumer purchase, is the one that you get because it is the one that you want.Â
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #9 Aug 28, 2010 7:08 pm
Gave the Verve a whirl. Happy with the unit but the bare floor tool leaves a little to be desired. After coming from the WindTunnel 3755, I was at first concerned that the Verve did not clean the carpet well. This perception comes from the noise and violence that came from the Hoover as it cleaned. My concerns are unwarranted. The Verve cleans carpet great, and does not exhaust dust like the Hoover did. The Hoover always got my alergies going, the Verve certainly does not!! Saving $500 by not going with the German unit will give me extra $$ towards the other German contraption I have been saving for (a BMW).
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #10 Aug 29, 2010 3:07 am
bigdrunk92037 wrote:
Gave the Verve a whirl. Happy with the unit but the bare floor tool leaves a little to be desired. After coming from the WindTunnel 3755, I was at first concerned that the Verve did not clean the carpet well. This perception comes from the noise and violence that came from the Hoover as it cleaned. My concerns are unwarranted. The Verve cleans carpet great, and does not exhaust dust like the Hoover did. The Hoover always got my alergies going, the Verve certainly does not!! Saving $500 by not going with the German unit will give me extra $$ towards the other German contraption I have been saving for (a BMW).
Enjoy your new Simplicity Verve vacuum purchase. And also when you buy, enjoy your BMW.  BMW is my preference in luxury autos also. Always nice to save $$ on what you need in order to have the extra $$ to buy what you want. Where your treasure is, there is your heart.
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #11 Sep 16, 2010 10:05 am
Check out Electrolux's offerings. They're just as sealed as a Miele, have more suction, and are also really well built as this vacuum experienced man here says: Videos proving Electrolux's filtration and suction:
Re: Stuck, Need Help. Simplicity Verve, Miele Titan or Calisto Reply #12 Sep 17, 2010 12:33 am
Hertz wrote:
Check out Electrolux's offerings. They're just as sealed as a Miele, have more suction, and are also really well built as this vacuum experienced man here says: Videos proving Electrolux's filtration and suction: