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Joined: Jan 30, 2010
Points: 199
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #61 Jul 22, 2010 6:50 pm |
My eyes and sense tell me you can't find/buy a dozen MIELE/SEBO vacuums on the junk heap for junk prices. Just dysons. That makes dyson different. Maybe you can find a few junk Eureka-Electrolux's. Not a dozen in one buy let alone multiple buys. Again, dyson is different. Not better. Different. Words are cheap. With words you can do anything. Actions speak louder than words. 12 junk dysons at junk prices to rebuild and resell may be worth it if you have nothing better to do. If you are looking to capitalize on the dyson fad and are disingenous, you'd buy junk dysons to sell at high prices. You'd hype and hawk the merits of the brand too just like you are doing. I'm not. I won't. I'm different from you. Better? I'll let others judge. Carmine D. You like to manipulate reality to fit your own whiny, silly little world that Dysons are "junk." When they're not MAINTAINED, you're going to have problems. It just so happens that such a high quality machine such as this was in the hands of people who didn't know what they were doing. There is no "junk" price; just a low price, yet you like to hug that word just to make you feel safe and secure. Maybe one day you'll open your eyes and not be so hilariously biased and stop denying the truth. Until then, enjoy not believing facts.
Location: Scotland UK
Joined: May 30, 2009
Points: 1162
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #63 Jul 23, 2010 4:55 am |
You like to manipulate reality to fit your own whiny, silly little world that Dysons are "junk." When they're not MAINTAINED, you're going to have problems. It just so happens that such a high quality machine such as this was in the hands of people who didn't know what they were doing. There is no "junk" price; just a low price, yet you like to hug that word just to make you feel safe and secure. Maybe one day you'll open your eyes and not be so hilariously biased and stop denying the truth. Until then, enjoy not believing facts. How do you feel you have the right to qualify that Dysons are not junk though, Hertz? By buying up 12 models that have a few scratches, have had "obvious" abuse yet still turn over the moment they're switched on? You could say that about any vacuum cleaner that is sold in such a way! I've even seen old Sebo uprights sold on palettes of 5 that either need new drive belts fitted or tools which have become lost over time and thus you could easily if you wanted to, make a bit of money as a private seller selling off old vacuum cleaners at capped prices. I've raised this issue before and I'll raise it again - Maintenance - how do YOU define maintenance? If people are ignorant about filter care its because of the Dyson mantra that their models are "lifetime," and have often been advertised as so. Owners don't bother checking the filters, or cleaning them believing that the suction design does that for them. This is why there are so many parts for Dyson on EBAY where the filters are concerned - not about making money - but supplying an OBVIOUS spare part that seems to break down more than often. Oh I know - Ive met some owners whose ignorance goes on without belief. Ive met many owners who wash out their filter cones but don't dry them expecting the vacuum suction to magically dry the filters, then problems happen and they don't realise. So whose fault is it that the Dyson has failed? The owners? Or the marketing that has led them to jump to such conclusions? What most owners dont realise is that when they buy a Dyson for the first time and then go around the home with it to see if it picks up, the machine will pick up dirt that other vacs have left behind and owners naturally assume the vacuum will just fill up quite the thing until dust starts to compact the whole bin. SOME owners I know just leave the bin and don't bother emptying because they take the 100% suction principle too far! Is this a problem of ignorance for owners or just one of poor maintenance? Then what happens is that things start to clog, filters start to get over worked, parts start to FAIL. Oh and by the way, Ive owned the DC25 for 6 months. I couldn't stand it. Poorly made with handles that didn't feel as if they were locked down, a push button that kept sticking and sometimes wouldn't function and that Ball that continually got in the way for cleaning under low furniture. Good performance maybe but build quality and design let it down in my eyes. I have a right to thus make judgement. You have a right to make your own judgements but clearly you're not prepared to discuss other avenues. Just wait until your Dysons fail again, no matter how experienced you are in repairing them.
Joined: Jan 30, 2010
Points: 199
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #64 Jul 23, 2010 9:55 pm |
How do you feel you have the right to qualify that Dysons are not junk though, Hertz? By buying up 12 models that have a few scratches, have had "obvious" abuse yet still turn over the moment they're switched on? You could say that about any vacuum cleaner that is sold in such a way! I've even seen old Sebo uprights sold on palettes of 5 that either need new drive belts fitted or tools which have become lost over time and thus you could easily if you wanted to, make a bit of money as a private seller selling off old vacuum cleaners at capped prices.
I've raised this issue before and I'll raise it again - Maintenance - how do YOU define maintenance? If people are ignorant about filter care its because of the Dyson mantra that their models are "lifetime," and have often been advertised as so. Owners don't bother checking the filters, or cleaning them believing that the suction design does that for them. This is why there are so many parts for Dyson on EBAY where the filters are concerned - not about making money - but supplying an OBVIOUS spare part that seems to break down more than often. Oh I know - Ive met some owners whose ignorance goes on without belief. Ive met many owners who wash out their filter cones but don't dry them expecting the vacuum suction to magically dry the filters, then problems happen and they don't realise. So whose fault is it that the Dyson has failed? The owners? Or the marketing that has led them to jump to such conclusions?
What most owners dont realise is that when they buy a Dyson for the first time and then go around the home with it to see if it picks up, the machine will pick up dirt that other vacs have left behind and owners naturally assume the vacuum will just fill up quite the thing until dust starts to compact the whole bin. SOME owners I know just leave the bin and don't bother emptying because they take the 100% suction principle too far! Is this a problem of ignorance for owners or just one of poor maintenance? Then what happens is that things start to clog, filters start to get over worked, parts start to FAIL.
Oh and by the way, Ive owned the DC25 for 6 months. I couldn't stand it. Poorly made with handles that didn't feel as if they were locked down, a push button that kept sticking and sometimes wouldn't function and that Ball that continually got in the way for cleaning under low furniture. Good performance maybe but build quality and design let it down in my eyes. I have a right to thus make judgement. You have a right to make your own judgements but clearly you're not prepared to discuss other avenues. Just wait until your Dysons fail again, no matter how experienced you are in repairing them. I know everything about a Dyson in and out - if they fail (which, unfortunately, half of them don't turn on but their filters were so clogged due to poor maintenance most likely their motors burnt out) then given Dysons QUALITY design and intelligent layout, one can very doable user-replace the motor and/or brushes. The motor unit housing the non-ball ones (and even the ball ones) is higher quality, higher grade plastic and VERY high quality seals that alone is better than half the china junk, JUST THAT PIECE probably has overall more dense plastic that china-specials, at least quality wise if you can even quantify such a measurement, but my point is the same none the less.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #65 Jul 24, 2010 3:03 am |
I know everything about a Dyson in and out - if they fail (which, unfortunately, half of them don't turn on but their filters were so clogged due to poor maintenance most likely their motors burnt out) then given Dysons QUALITY design and intelligent layout, one can very doable user-replace the motor and/or brushes. The motor unit housing the non-ball ones (and even the ball ones) is higher quality, higher grade plastic and VERY high quality seals that alone is better than half the china junk, JUST THAT PIECE probably has overall more dense plastic that china-specials, at least quality wise if you can even quantify such a measurement, but my point is the same none the less. Of course you say that, you have a dozen dyson junks you bought. What was it that P.T. Barnum said?
Carmine D. PS: If 6 of the 12 dysons don't run and you suspect motors are the problem/and they actually are shot, then you didn't buy the cream of the crap or pure crap as you like to call it. You just bought plain and simple every day run of the mill crap. Period. They must have seen/smelled you coming a mile away. They jumped through hoops backwards to unload the pallets of the junkiest of the junk dysons they could muster. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they send you a Christmas gift this year for your generosity. Another junk dyson.
This message was modified Jul 24, 2010 by CarmineD
Location: Scotland UK
Joined: May 30, 2009
Points: 1162
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #66 Jul 24, 2010 4:51 pm |
I know everything about a Dyson in and out - if they fail (which, unfortunately, half of them don't turn on but their filters were so clogged due to poor maintenance most likely their motors burnt out) then given Dysons QUALITY design and intelligent layout, one can very doable user-replace the motor and/or brushes. The motor unit housing the non-ball ones (and even the ball ones) is higher quality, higher grade plastic and VERY high quality seals that alone is better than half the china junk, JUST THAT PIECE probably has overall more dense plastic that china-specials, at least quality wise if you can even quantify such a measurement, but my point is the same none the less. You dont know your xxxx from your elbow, mate! But then all along you've been comparing your Miele "Air Clean" filter to Dysons which is a bit unfair and also comparing a bagged vacuum with bagless, which is also unfair. I only realised going through your unfair posts before. Super Air Clean by any chance, the most basic of Miele filters? Try the HEPA cartridge and compare like with like. Good luck with your Dysons. Your point is FLAWED regarding Dyson and their quality but then you're only basing it on 12 abused models. Once yet again, unless you spend premium, brand new I suggest that you keep going along in your deluded little world of what you class as premium. You were only going on about Electrolux's Ultra only a few weeks ago, a bagged cleaner no less. Save up your day job salary and buy new.
This message was modified Jul 29, 2010 by a moderator
Joined: Jan 30, 2010
Points: 199
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #67 Jul 29, 2010 3:55 pm |
You dont know your xxxx from your elbow, mate! But then all along you've been comparing your Miele "Air Clean" filter to Dysons which is a bit unfair and also comparing a bagged vacuum with bagless, which is also unfair. I only realised going through your unfair posts before. Super Air Clean by any chance, the most basic of Miele filters? Try the HEPA cartridge and compare like with like. Good luck with your Dysons.
Your point is FLAWED regarding Dyson and their quality but then you're only basing it on 12 abused models. Once yet again, unless you spend premium, brand new I suggest that you keep going along in your deluded little world of what you class as premium. You were only going on about Electrolux's Ultra only a few weeks ago, a bagged cleaner no less. Save up your day job salary and buy new. **(portion deleted by Moderator, because of inapporpriate content)** You're the one who can't get w/ the truth and realize and appreciate Dysons incredible build quality; again, their just dirty - not BROKEN, and if anything me seeing them in this abused condition and being able to CLEAN THEM UP LIKE-NEW really is a testament to their quality that you're too incapable of comprehending (apparently). W/e man, at least your intelligent enough to realize that Miele's and SEBO's are quality machines, so I won't call you a complete crap head ;) Hahaha
This message was modified Jul 29, 2010 by a moderator
Location: Scotland UK
Joined: May 30, 2009
Points: 1162
Re: Why Dyson is different.
Reply #70 Aug 7, 2010 5:15 pm |
Were you deprived of oxygen from putting a vacuum bag over your head? Seriously though; You basically lost the whole argument if you feel like you need to start calling names. How pathetic and child like. I wouldn't be surprised if your best friend is 10 years old to be honest. You find SEBOs and Miele's thrown out, as well. By your dumb ass logic they must be "junk", too. Buddy I've taken Dysons apart DOWN TO THE BONE, and they are *VERY* well built, with durable plastic all throughout. A testament to their quality is still running and taking the licking they did and still basically looking very good. The plastic they use is even the same color all through out - NOT painted, but ALL the plastic IS the color you see, which in that regard is better quality than even a SEBO or Miele. Oh Grow up Hertz! One minute you're arguing about Electrolux vacuums like the Ultra for being so technologically advanced in one corner (Yet, you don't own one), then praising Kirby machines, then Dyson. Dont you sound a little bit silly? I dont give a shi* how many Dysons you have repaired, how many Dysons you find that are better built - THE EVIDENCE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF by going onto EBAY UK or any other online market like EBAY where you will find that the majority of second hand vacuums are Dyson. You'll find there are MORE Dysons sold refurbished, more Dyson vacs sold second hand and more Dysons that have been split apart for spares. What does this tell you? Well it tells me quite a few things other than the popularity that Dyson bestows... Quality doesn't just count the colour or the strength of the plastic, infact it is IMPOSSIBLE to define what a quality vacuum cleaner is dependent on the buyers needs and the buyers use of it. If you find a whole load of Dysons that have only lasted something like 3 to 5 years, and paid top dollar for it, I'd say there's something wrong in the supposed "quality" of the vacuum in question, particularly if Dyson claim that their models are lifetime or have a number of years in which to counteract their model's longevity. A quality vacuum in my eyes is 10 years old and with its original motor intact.