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Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Are we ready to back up???
Original Message   Jun 22, 2010 3:51 am
It's been debated that vacuum cleaners  -- good ones of course -- that use high power draw can help you clean faster and better.  Having used both high-amp and low-amp machines, I have yet to see my actual work time significantly decreased or increased either way. 

Nevertheless, thinking on rising costs for household electricity just about everywhere in the country, do you think we're ready to seriuosly contemplate a move toward vacuums that work well but require less power draw?  We learned this back in the day with cars and came to accept that six-cylinders or even less could be as much fun as eight -- especially because it left more cash in the wallet.

As well, if a trend toward real energy efficiency in vacuums and other appliances were to come about, how long do you think it would take OR would not take to be relected ecologically?


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Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Re: Are we ready to back up???
Reply #12   Jun 24, 2010 3:37 am
CarmineD wrote:

. . . Environmentalist rights end where human rights begin.  I don't want a government regulator telling me what's the best and right thing for me/mine.  I can make those decisions for myself, whether it's what kind of food I eat, bulbs to use, or vacuums to buy.  The EPA was established over 30 years ago to wean Americans off foreign oil.  Did it and does it work?  No.  The oil spill in the Gulf is an excellent example of government and industry gone amuck.  Keep government out.  The world will be a better place because people want it that way, not because they need to be told to do it.

Carmine D.

Some mandates like those that call for car seats for kids and seatbelts for adults save lives.  But that's the government's doing.  Environmentalists, as I see it, advise as opposed to dictate or at least that's what they shoud be doing.  Their advice sometimes is not welcome but often addresses real issues.  No one can tell anyone what to eat, imbibe or buy but, as an example, someone should be offering cautionary info or fact-based opinion.

The same applies for vacuums, there should be information that advises realistically per general cleaning and use situations.  I don't necessarily expect to get that from manufacturers or vendors.



Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Are we ready to back up???
Reply #13   Jun 24, 2010 4:00 am
Venson wrote:
Some mandates like those that call for car seats for kids and seatbelts for adults save lives.  But that's the government's doing.  Environmentalists, as I see it, advise as opposed to dictate or at least that's what they shoud be doing.  Their advice sometimes is not welcome but often addresses real issues.  No one can tell anyone what to eat, imbibe or buy but, as an example, someone should be offering cautionary info or fact-based opinion.

The same applies for vacuums, there should be information that advises realistically per general cleaning and use situations.  I don't necessarily expect to get that from manufacturers or vendors.


Hi Venson:

Valid points.  Yet, we've seen over the years that medical, gov't, and university studies have contradicted each other and themselves on foods/drinks to eat and not to eat.  It's a dilemma for consumers.  If Congress has its way, and looks like it will, the curly cue lights will be mandated in a few years at the expense of the conventional bulbs.  The only road block to date is the proper and "regulated" way to dispose of the dangerous materials used to make the new bulbs.

Consumer Reports, Carpet and Rug Industry, ASTM and others serve useful purposes for overseeing the industry's improvement.  Which gets back to the article you posted about the ASTM.  My concern is big government involvement.  Leave it to the industry, market place, and private sector with the vested interests and the entities and authorities over such matters.  Not big brother.

Carmine D. 


Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: Are we ready to back up???
Reply #14   Jun 24, 2010 5:05 am
CarmineD wrote:
Hi Venson:

. . . . My concern is big government involvement.  Leave it to the industry, market place, and private sector with the vested interests and the entities and authorities over such matters.  Not big brother.

Carmine D. 

I don't know what to say except that I'm a cynic regarding the matter.  When "big government" gets its hands on things "big business" is usually somewhere in the wings prompting its cues.  (Here we are back the oil spill.)

That's why I also feel the need for accurate information from unbiased sources is essential.  Industry reacts faster to what the public will not buy but the public can't always decide that without a regular flow of info.

Took a trip to a P.C. Richard store to look at the new LG uprights.  There was a very nice guy handling the vac department.  Turned out that he'd been there three whole weeks but hadn't a clue as to the function of either machine.  It was obvious that the floor model(LuV200) had been heavily demoed as its collection bin was quite full.  When I inquired if the "kompressor" feature did its job well all I got was a very quizzical look.  At that point I walked over to cleaner and flipped open the maker's info tag that hung on it so that he could read about what I was asking.  I fiddle around with the LuV200 and LuV300 but walked away more than sure the salesman would probably not take time to bone up on any of the product in a department that carried several brands of vacs all the way to Miele.  Definitely not confidence building but definitely not new.  I've seen enough of this same thing to have learned to take a grain of salt along with any information I'm being fed by vendors or manufacturers.

P.S. -- regarding the curly-cue bulbs lupus sufferers should take a look at the following:



Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894

Re: Are we ready to back up???
Reply #15   Jun 24, 2010 9:22 am
Venson wrote:
I don't know what to say except that I'm a cynic regarding the matter.  When "big government" gets its hands on things "big business" is usually somewhere in the wings prompting its cues.  (Here we are back the oil spill.)

That's why I also feel the need for accurate information from unbiased sources is essential.  Industry reacts faster to what the public will not buy but the public can't always decide that without a regular flow of info.

Took a trip to a P.C. Richard store to look at the new LG uprights.  There was a very nice guy handling the vac department.  Turned out that he'd been there three whole weeks but hadn't a clue as to the function of either machine.  It was obvious that the floor model(LuV200) had been heavily demoed as its collection bin was quite full.  When I inquired if the "kompressor" feature did its job well all I got was a very quizzical look.  At that point I walked over to cleaner and flipped open the maker's info tag that hung on it so that he could read about what I was asking.  I fiddle around with the LuV200 and LuV300 but walked away more than sure the salesman would probably not take time to bone up on any of the product in a department that carried several brands of vacs all the way to Miele.  Definitely not confidence building but definitely not new.  I've seen enough of this same thing to have learned to take a grain of salt along with any information I'm being fed by vendors or manufacturers.

P.S. -- regarding the curly-cue bulbs lupus sufferers should take a look at the following:


Thanks Venson.  Not surprisng that the vacuum department gets the least qualifed.  Often times part timers and students.  Curious if any of the indies are planning to stock and sell the latest LG models?  If so, why?

The article about the potential risks of the new bulbs to lupus sufferers is interesting.  Adding a color shroud to the light given off, further reduces the light provided. 

Big business takes a back seat to gov't involvement.  Figured out long ago that there is no partnering with bureacrats.  It's a losing proposition.  Rare is the time and occurrence for good to come out of such a partnership.  Big business prefers IMHO to step aside, let big gov't go its merry way then follow the path of least resistance to conform.  usually through political donations to the right organizations and people.  Most agree that the laws in place were sufficient to prevent the deepwater rig from exploding.  But oversight and approvals were lax and blameworthy.  I would agree.  Hence my concern whenever the gov't gets involved to "help." 

Carmine D.

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