Most any vacuum sold these days that has bags will almost always come with a couple of extra bags except HOOVER. Bags are offered by me for a few leads that I could use a customer 's name. If you got the deal (price) you said you did , how could you ask the man to take more money out of his pocket.
You asked about the water units. It is Reverse osmosis. where it is better than the competition is it's efficiency. Most all units have a 10% efficiency rating. For every 1,000 gallons that runs thru the unit you lose 900 gallons as waste water. The Purelux unit is 75% efficient. 1000 gallons goes in 250 gallons of waste water comes out. So when you use the water unit and get 7.5 gallons , you had only 2.5 gallons of wastewater. Far better than get one gallon and have 9 gallons of wastewater.
Two units are available. The best way to learn more is go on the website- and go into the water section. They work great.
Do you know how and why Aerus entered the reverse osmosis water purification business with Purelux? It seems like a vacuum business diversion and not a logical and complimentary by-product that would coexist equally. Does Aerus employ a separate cadre of salespeople for these units or the same salespeople as vacuums?
Carmine D.