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Samsung's- Dirt Devil Eraser / Halo inspired UV patent.
Original Message   Jun 1, 2009 9:12 am
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Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: Just to be clear
Reply #66   Nov 14, 2009 9:57 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:

I am a good guy and so is James Dyson.  Many here dislike me/like to dislike me and why shouldn’t they?  I expose the many trickery's and falsehoods (sugar coated words for lying and twisting) told by competing manufacturers and their representatives.  And I expose the inventive ineptness and much copying by said manufacturers.  Like most, I hate the lazy, thieving and liars.  Somehow and for some reason competing [to Dyson] dealers believe they’re livelihoods should be supported while telling untruths (another sugar coated word for lies).  My track record is clear, I never (to the best of my knowledge) hammer on, make fun of or confront any dealer or enthusiast’s who fly’s straight as pertaining to Dyson.  Did I confront Carmine when his Dyson dealer buddy said some wire harnesses are faulty?  No.  And you won’t find me confronting anyone who has a valid point (can be proven true).  How helpful is dumping on Dyson for Dyson-dealers like Dusty?  He sell’s Dyson’s and other brands.  If I were him I’d be piss’d off at the clowns for lying of my products.  He seems like a good guy, but why should he debate his income generator much (his Dyson’s) when he has me?  On the clubber site, many there have a small mans mentality and need to dump on men who get things done, create inventions, create jobs and wealth.  The club site and being with clubbers is a better vehicle for unsubstantiated Dyson bashing (a sugar coated word for bad-mouthing).  If you want to try out any new Dyson bashing or Dyson bad-mouthing concepts and see if I can defeat them then this is what mole and I do and Carmine and I do and Venson and I do. 

I liked what Model2 had to offer here, and I liked what Motorhead had to offer here and I like what T.G. offered here (long ago) and they are gone – I did not chase them away and that’s demonstrable.

Is there anyone in the UK more knowledgeable about vacuums and vacuum history than Model2?  Is there anyone more willing to post vacuum videos than Model2?  Have you seen Model2’s YouTube channel?  The newer Dyson inventions are approaching ¼ million hits, and no other vacuum or brand (he’s uploaded) comes close to these numbers and interest.  Carmine worked him over pretty good and over petty things like how he cared for his vacuum/s.  Carmine and mole worked Motorhead over pretty good too.  And surprise, surprise – they’re gone.  - Go figure.


dyson DiB:

Many vacuum products and their performance equal/surpass your ONE AND ONLY favorite brand.  All posters here, not just dyson ones, can recommend brands/models to those who ask without the expectation of having you/others of the ONE BRAND FITS ALL contingency shouting them down.  Usually with insults both personally and professionally. 

You enjoy 'confronting' [your word] posters like VENSON, MOLE, SEVERUS, TREBOR and ALL the independents who don't sell/won't sell and don't recommend dysons as the cleaning panacea for the ages.   Even if it is an income generator [your words] for you and Sir James and dyson dealers.  The dyson fits all mantra is silly, unrealistic,  and so conspicuously self-serving that it is laughable.

BTW, I'm a good guy too with over 55 years in the vacuum business and a pristine reputation as back up.  How about you? 

Carmine D.

This message was modified Nov 14, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #67   Nov 16, 2009 4:01 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:

I am a good guy and so is James Dyson.  Many here dislike me/like to dislike me and why shouldn’t they?  I expose the many trickery's and falsehoods (sugar coated words for lying and twisting) told by competing manufacturers and their representatives.  And I expose the inventive ineptness and much copying by said manufacturers. (Patents expire and become legitimate public domain. It is the way of the business world. If patents were forever much less would be done in the improvement of products in the marketplace.) Like most, I hate the lazy, thieving and liars.  (James Dyson LIED when he claimed his vacuums were the first and the only vacuum never to lose suction. The Rexair/Rainbow beat him to it. Not counting all of the central vacs who can make that claim.) I have a DC4 that is 23 years old, in very hard, almost daily use (about 10K sq ft of carpet/week) I have replaced the electric hose, once, the roller and belts are consumables, the carbon brushes, once) Somehow and for some reason competing [to Dyson] dealers believe they’re livelihoods should be supported while telling untruths (another sugar coated word for lies).  My track record is clear, I never (to the best of my knowledge) hammer on, make fun of or confront any dealer or enthusiast’s who fly’s straight as pertaining to Dyson.  Did I confront Carmine when his Dyson dealer buddy said some wire harnesses are faulty? (My local dealer said the same. He was making in excess of 100K/yr repairing Dysons before Dyson canceled him. Now he trades a lot of them in. Very dumb move on Dyson's part. He makes more on a Miele sale than a Dyson repair. Once someone has decided the perfomance/cost ratio of the BBR's vacuum offerings is unsatisfactory to them it's easy to bump them up into an 800.00 plus, (now 500.00) Miele when their $500.00 Dyson needs an out of warranty repair after 2yrs) No.  And you won’t find me confronting anyone who has a valid point (But you don't always acknowledge them either, DIB.  If I have not seen it, I apologize, but you have not responded to the my mentioning the FACT of the new filtration bags not losing suction, nor the YOUTUBE video of a Miele sucking the contents of a Dyson container stuffed  FULL of kapock into a bag and compacting it so tightly that the bag seems to be almost empty.  You have not responded to the fact that Dyson hoses are easily ripped at the socket into the machine (seen lots of them, sorry)  It would not be so bad IF the manual would explain that the hose was not meant to pull the cleaner along like it were a cylinder/canister type machine. The damage occurs when people tug the cleaner around to a different direction and are not simply rolling it closer to them when they yank on the hose.  How many customers have YOU had to deal with when they find out that their "full 5yr warranty" does not include the hose,  there was no indication in their manual they were doing anything wrong and "the salesman said everything was covered under warranty for 5 yrs."   How helpful is dumping on Dyson for Dyson-dealers like Dusty?  He sell’s Dyson’s and other brands.  If I were him I’d be piss’d off at the clowns for lying of my products.  He seems like a good guy, but why should he debate his income generator much (his Dyson’s) when he has me?  On the clubber site, many there have a small mans mentality and need to dump on men who get things done, create inventions, create jobs and wealth.  The club site and being with clubbers is a better vehicle for unsubstantiated Dyson bashing (a sugar coated word for bad-mouthing).  If you want to try out any new Dyson bashing or Dyson bad-mouthing concepts and see if I can defeat them then this is what mole and I do and Carmine and I do and Venson and I do. (Have you read the Kirby/Dyson comparison on the Greatvacs website? Very thorough and balanced, in my estimation)

I liked what Model2 had to offer here, and I liked what Motorhead had to offer here and I liked what T.G. offered here (long ago) and they are gone – I did not chase them away and that’s demonstrable. Please, everyone, give DIB an opportunity to respond. I am not looking to start anything, I want to hear what DIB has to say.


Is there anyone in the UK more knowledgeable about vacuums and vacuum history than Model2?  Is there anyone more willing to post vacuum videos than Model2?  Have you seen Model2’s YouTube channel?  The newer Dyson inventions are approaching ¼ million hits, and no other vacuum or brand (he’s uploaded) comes close to these numbers and interest and in such a short time frame.  Carmine worked him over pretty good and over petty things like how he cared for his vacuum/s.  Carmine and mole worked Motorhead over pretty good too.  And surprise, surprise – they’re gone.  Go figure.


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #68   Nov 18, 2009 11:06 am
Trebor wrote:

DysonInventsBig wrote:

I am a good guy and so is James Dyson.  Many here dislike me/like to dislike me and why shouldn’t they?  I expose the many trickery's and falsehoods (sugar coated words for lying and twisting) told by competing manufacturers and their representatives.  And I expose the inventive ineptness and much copying by said manufacturers. (Patents expire and become legitimate public domain. It is the way of the business world. If patents were forever much less would be done in the improvement of products in the marketplace.) Like most, I hate the lazy, thieving and liars.  (James Dyson LIED when he claimed his vacuums were the first and the only vacuum never to lose suction. The Rexair/Rainbow beat him to it. Not counting all of the central vacs who can make that claim.) I have a DC4 that is 23 years old, in very hard, almost daily use (about 10K sq ft of carpet/week) I have replaced the electric hose, once, the roller and belts are consumables, the carbon brushes, once) Somehow and for some reason competing [to Dyson] dealers believe they’re livelihoods should be supported while telling untruths (another sugar coated word for lies).  My track record is clear, I never (to the best of my knowledge) hammer on, make fun of or confront any dealer or enthusiast’s who fly’s straight as pertaining to Dyson.  Did I confront Carmine when his Dyson dealer buddy said some wire harnesses are faulty? (My local dealer said the same. He was making in excess of 100K/yr repairing Dysons before Dyson canceled him. Now he trades a lot of them in. Very dumb move on Dyson's part. He makes more on a Miele sale than a Dyson repair. Once someone has decided the perfomance/cost ratio of the BBR's vacuum offerings is unsatisfactory to them it's easy to bump them up into an 800.00 plus, (now 500.00) Miele when their $500.00 Dyson needs an out of warranty repair after 2yrs) No.  And you won’t find me confronting anyone who has a valid point (But you don't always acknowledge them either, DIB.  If I have not seen it, I apologize, but you have not responded to the my mentioning the FACT of the new filtration bags not losing suction, nor the YOUTUBE video of a Miele sucking the contents of a Dyson container stuffed  FULL of kapock into a bag and compacting it so tightly that the bag seems to be almost empty.  You have not responded to the fact that Dyson hoses are easily ripped at the socket into the machine (seen lots of them, sorry)  It would not be so bad IF the manual would explain that the hose was not meant to pull the cleaner along like it were a cylinder/canister type machine. The damage occurs when people tug the cleaner around to a different direction and are not simply rolling it closer to them when they yank on the hose.  How many customers have YOU had to deal with when they find out that their "full 5yr warranty" does not include the hose,  there was no indication in their manual they were doing anything wrong and "the salesman said everything was covered under warranty for 5 yrs."   How helpful is dumping on Dyson for Dyson-dealers like Dusty?  He sell’s Dyson’s and other brands.  If I were him I’d be piss’d off at the clowns for lying of my products.  He seems like a good guy, but why should he debate his income generator much (his Dyson’s) when he has me?  On the clubber site, many there have a small mans mentality and need to dump on men who get things done, create inventions, create jobs and wealth.  The club site and being with clubbers is a better vehicle for unsubstantiated Dyson bashing (a sugar coated word for bad-mouthing).  If you want to try out any new Dyson bashing or Dyson bad-mouthing concepts and see if I can defeat them then this is what mole and I do and Carmine and I do and Venson and I do. (Have you read the Kirby/Dyson comparison on the Greatvacs website? Very thorough and balanced, in my estimation)

I liked what Model2 had to offer here, and I liked what Motorhead had to offer here and I liked what T.G. offered here (long ago) and they are gone – I did not chase them away and that’s demonstrable. Please, everyone, give DIB an opportunity to respond. I am not looking to start anything, I want to hear what DIB has to say.


Is there anyone in the UK more knowledgeable about vacuums and vacuum history than Model2?  Is there anyone more willing to post vacuum videos than Model2?  Have you seen Model2’s YouTube channel?  The newer Dyson inventions are approaching ¼ million hits, and no other vacuum or brand (he’s uploaded) comes close to these numbers and interest and in such a short time frame.  Carmine worked him over pretty good and over petty things like how he cared for his vacuum/s.  Carmine and mole worked Motorhead over pretty good too.  And surprise, surprise – they’re gone.  Go figure.


The use of using - in the public domain expired patents:  I do wonder why corporate suits would rather have sloppy seconds (wait for Dyson patents to expire) over inventing their own patent protected monopolies and enjoy the notoriety, free publicity, profits, security and other upsides that accompanies this process.  I also wonder about this sloppy seconds mentality as how it relates to good stewardship for their employees.  Is a sloppy second mentality going to create, keep and well-pay their employees and help provide for their families?

Before Dyson, before Rainbow:  Long before the Rainbow water-bath [shop] vac there was a railcar water vac.  If you search this site, I’ve posted a patent drawing of it somewhere.

Me not commenting on your claims or positions:  I do not pour over all the posts for sure, I have not commented on your [above] claims or positions since I have not seen any supporting information.

I’ve got to run.

This message was modified Nov 18, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321

Re: Samsung's- Dirt Devil Eraser / Halo inspired UV patent.
Reply #69   Nov 18, 2009 3:30 pm
Thanks for responding.

If there were no expiration dates on patents, or if the prevailing morality were to prevent the use of any prior art, no matter how old, then Dyson vacuums could not exist today, in fact nearly all vacuums would not exist. Hoover invented the revolving brush roll and the beater bar. Air-Way invented the paper bag.  No one else would have these features because only the originator would have them. Hoover had patents for on-board tools very early (late 1930's) and Jim Kirby had a patent for it in 1953.  So if everyone subscribed to your 'sloppy seconds' mentality, no one save the original inventor would ever be allowed to improve on his inventions because holding the patent is totally separate from putting it into production.  In fact, companies patent ideas and variations of them 'pre-emptively' so that people who are inspired from an idea to improve it or make it differently are foiled from doing so for the period of the patent exclusivity.  So, under your belief of the way things should be, the one who can patent the most ideas the fastest is the one who wins. And you know who loses? You and me and everybody else that's who, because unless someone has a totally original idea, and can patent it, nothing new could ever be manufactured.  And that would include cyclonic separation, because the separator invented by John Newcomb, was originally used to cyclonically separate wood particles (sawdust) from the air.  You missed my point about Rexair/Rainbow.  The fact that there was another water filtration vacuum before 1936 does not alter the fact that James Dyson falsely claimed Dyson to be the first and the only vacuum that does not lose suction.

The efficiency of the new filter bags (maintaining suction while filtering at nearly 100%,) is widely known by people in the vacuum cleaner community, but nonetheIess I will do some research and post the links for everyone to see.


If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...

Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #70   Nov 18, 2009 7:21 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

Before Dyson, before Rainbow:  Long before the Rainbow water-bath [shop] vac there was a railcar water vac.  If you search this site, I’ve posted a patent drawing of it somewhere.

Me not commenting on your claims or positions:  I do not pour over all the posts for sure, I have not commented on your [above] claims or positions since I have not seen any supporting information.

I’ve got to run.



The Rainbow is far more than a shop vac.  It goes to show that you have no appreciation for the inordinate number of interventions prior to Dyson.  

The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable.  The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking. 

Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #71   Nov 19, 2009 7:05 am
DysonInventsBig wrote:
Long before the Rainbow water-bath [shop] vac there was a railcar water vac.  . . .


Though I'm not necessarily fully appreciative, long before Dyson, the intent of the first designer of Rexair/Rainbow was to make a bagless household vacuum WITHOUT aid of water as a filtering medium yet came upon the possibility and ran with the ball. Now more than seventy years since, with great numbers of new and repeat buyers, the idea is still out there on the market and not only being sold by Rainbow.


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #72   Nov 19, 2009 7:44 am
Severus wrote:

The Rainbow is far more than a shop vac.  It goes to show that you have no appreciation for the inordinate number of interventions prior to Dyson.  


Tell it to the consumer.  Seventy years of business knowhow and the masses continually reject it, and no big-player manufacturer wants it (wants to copy it).  It’s dead in the water (no pun intended).

Not bad and nice try - trying to state I do not appreciate inventions prior to Dyson.  You need to be a rep for the underwhelming vac corps and sling that slop from there.

This message was modified Nov 19, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454

Re: Samsung's- Dirt Devil Eraser / Halo inspired UV patent.
Reply #73   Nov 19, 2009 10:14 am
Trebor wrote:
Thanks for responding.

If there were no expiration dates on patents, or if the prevailing morality were to prevent the use of any prior art, no matter how old, then Dyson vacuums could not exist today, in fact nearly all vacuums would not exist. Hoover invented the revolving brush roll and the beater bar. Air-Way invented the paper bag.  No one else would have these features because only the originator would have them. Hoover had patents for on-board tools very early (late 1930's) and Jim Kirby had a patent for it in 1953.  So if everyone subscribed to your 'sloppy seconds' mentality, no one save the original inventor would ever be allowed to improve on his inventions because holding the patent is totally separate from putting it into production.  In fact, companies patent ideas and variations of them 'pre-emptively' so that people who are inspired from an idea to improve it or make it differently are foiled from doing so for the period of the patent exclusivity.  So, under your belief of the way things should be, the one who can patent the most ideas the fastest is the one who wins. And you know who loses? You and me and everybody else that's who, because unless someone has a totally original idea, and can patent it, nothing new could ever be manufactured.  And that would include cyclonic separation, because the separator invented by John Newcomb, was originally used to cyclonically separate wood particles (sawdust) from the air.  You missed my point about Rexair/Rainbow.  The fact that there was another water filtration vacuum before 1936 does not alter the fact that James Dyson falsely claimed Dyson to be the first and the only vacuum that does not lose suction.

The efficiency of the new filter bags (maintaining suction while filtering at nearly 100%,) is widely known by people in the vacuum cleaner community, but nonetheIess I will do some research and post the links for everyone to see.


I'm glad to respond.

Do you know the meaning behind ‘sloppy seconds?’  In this context it means a manufacturer and it suits and/or it’s engineers weren’t good enough or smart enough to get there first.  It also means the market (industry people and consumer people) know who was there first.  The manufacturer who picks up IMMEDIATLY after the victor is done is considered - taking sloppy seconds.  Bissell and TTI (when contracted by Hoover/Maytag) followed the victor Dyson IMMEDIATELY following the expiration/near expiration of his Dual Cyclone patents.

I have no problems with and realize the importance of building on others expired patents.  Patents expire for few reasons, but primarily so 1) so others can copy and 2) so others can use in conjunction with other technologies.  Bissell or TTI have not made the Dual Cyclone better, but instead they are the preverbal ‘cheap copies’ (disasters really).  If TTI and Bissell were to shut down they would have a zero/near zero impact on vacuum cleaner development (per the patent office).  They would not be missed.

When the HSN Hoover rep claims their dual cyclone is "Hoover's version of cyclonic technologies" do you think consumers are aware Hoover is selling sloppy second technologies and not Hoover patented technologies?

This message was modified Nov 19, 2009 by DysonInventsBig


If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...

Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397

Re: Just to be clear
Reply #74   Nov 19, 2009 1:06 pm
DysonInventsBig wrote:

Tell it to the consumer.  Seventy years of business knowhow and the masses continually reject it, and no big-player manufacturer wants it (wants to copy it).  It’s dead in the water (no pun intended).

Not bad and nice try - trying to state I do not appreciate inventions prior to Dyson.  You need to be a rep for the underwhelming vac corps and sling that slop from there.



If ignorance is bliss, you must be one happy fellow.    There have been numerous imitations, including water filtration vacs sold on HSN.  

The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable.  The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking. 

Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321

Re: Samsung's- Dirt Devil Eraser / Halo inspired UV patent.
Reply #75   Nov 19, 2009 4:00 pm

I do know the derivation of the term 'sloppy seconds'.  The question is, who decides what is the 'decent' interval between a patent's expiration and copying/adapting it by others?  A century ago a widow who remarried in less than 5 yrs was considered less than a proper lady.  This is the same kind of issue. This is about what YOU consider fair, decent, and proper.  The marketplace is what it is.  Patents expire, they are challenged in court, people copy others' ideas.  Get over it.  Dyson ADAPTED cyclonic separation to a vacuum cleaner. He was inspired by cyclonic separation of sawdust from the air.  Kirby and Hoover already had expired patents for on-board tool designs. Singer and Hoover and Panasonic and Oreck, had already done the 'floating, self adjusting head' concept. As with most inventions it is the application/combination of existing ideas that brings something 'new' to the market place.  Dyson made a mint, good for him. To quote King Solomon in Ecclesiastes "There is nothing new under the sun" 


This message was modified Nov 19, 2009 by Trebor
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