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CR likes new Miele upright
Original Message   Nov 5, 2009 12:48 pm

Inside Consumer Reports Test Labs: Reviews of new vacuums from Eureka, Miele, Panasonic, and Electrolux


The top scorer of our latest tests was the Miele S 7580 upright, $800. This Miele was among the best at cleaning carpets, and its pet-hair pickup and low emissions were excellent as well. Its swivel-neck design allows for tighter turning, a plus since the 22-pound Miele is among the heavier uprights in our ratings. And its electronic suction control, with a choice between manual and automatic, adapts the motor speed for the surface you're cleaning.

The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable.  The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking. 
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Joined: Jul 22, 2007
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Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #4   Nov 6, 2009 6:06 am
Forgot to mention that this is the first time I recall CR awarding a Miele product a better than "good" score for carpet cleaning. As well, I have no recall of any of the Miele cans being tested with 236 PN which I think is just great.


Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #5   Nov 6, 2009 7:13 am
Venson wrote:
Hi Carmine,

The S7 uprights looked like winners to me from the first time I saw them and mine has performed like one since day one here the OK Corral. Yes, skeptic that I am, I'll continue to nit-pick regarding Miele's prices but I have no bones to pick in regard to the performance of these machines.

I'd love to from Melanie, "the cat lady", and learn how she's faring with her S7.


Venson wrote:
Forgot to mention that this is the first time I recall CR awarding a Miele product a better than "good" score for carpet cleaning. As well, I have no recall of any of the Miele cans being tested with 236 PN which I think is just great.


Hi Venson:

Considering that this is the first real home grown MIELE made upright in its history, the ART series doesn't count, MIELE has accomplished an industry feat by winning acclaim from Consumer Reports right out of the gate.

I suspect Melanie, aka Catlady, has her hands full with 14 furry friends in her home.  WRT how's she "faring" perhaps better if it is said "furring."

Carmine D.

This message was modified Nov 6, 2009 by CarmineD

Joined: May 27, 2008
Points: 77

My Miele S7
Reply #6   Nov 6, 2009 11:45 am
Ironic that I jumped on here before leaving work today! LOL It's been a while since I've checked Abby's Guide. I'm up to 15 cats and still have my 4 dogs. I have NO adoptions and I'm pulling my hair out. Anyone want a cute kitty?

The replacement Miele is doing GREAT! I'm still very happy with it. I can't believe how well it stands up to all the hair and the cat toys! It's not uncommon for us to suck up the occasional toy mouse or jingle ball. So the Miele S7 still gets an A+ in my book!

Hey, do any of you have reviews for steam cleaners? I've been checking out reviews and hopped on here to see if there were any. I was thinking about saving for a Ladybug, but they are so expensive it would take forever. With all the critters I'm having constant problems with my asthma and thought maybe steam cleaning around the house would help.

This message was modified Nov 6, 2009 by catlady

Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900

Re: My Miele S7
Reply #7   Nov 6, 2009 1:56 pm
catlady wrote:
Ironic that I jumped on here before leaving work today! LOL It's been a while since I've checked Abby's Guide. I'm up to 15 cats and still have my 4 dogs. I have NO adoptions and I'm pulling my hair out. Anyone want a cute kitty?<BR><BR>The replacement Miele is doing GREAT! I'm still very happy with it. I can't believe how well it stands up to all the hair and the cat toys! It's not uncommon for us to suck up the occasional toy mouse or jingle ball. So the Miele S7 still gets an A+ in my book!<BR><BR>Hey, do any of you have reviews for steam cleaners? I've been checking out reviews and hopped on here to see if there were any. I was thinking about saving for a Ladybug, but they are so expensive it would take forever. With all the critters I'm having constant problems with my asthma and thought maybe steam cleaning around the house would help.<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>Melanie

Hi Melanie,

The main advantage of vapor steam cleaners is that they clean and kill bacteria without the use of chemical agents. The only detergent you use is the laundry detergent need to wash the special pad and cloths they use. Steam cleaners are surely a good thing for people sensitive to chemical fumes produced by cleaning agents like oven cleaner and some all-purpose cleaning detergents and compounds.

However, in your case I think the pets are probably the source of the problem and best bet is to try to beef up your home air filtration system/methods in hope of catching more airborne pet dandruff, etc., between cleaning sessions.

Speaking of the vacuum, if you set it on low speed -- low noise levels being an essential -- you can try out going over the braver of your pets -- from the neck down -- with the hose and an attachment. Some will like it and some won't.

I used to use the bare floor tool on my dog. He liked it so much that he'd flop onto the floor waiting to be cleaned every time I got the vacuum out. I also had a special Eureka tool that a cat I had liked too but the dusting tool is fine. I think the feel of the cool air moving through their fur is what they like. In any event I found it a way to groom both a little less messily and to also reduce the amount of pet hair I'd have to go after while cleaning.


Location: Scotland UK
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Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #8   Nov 6, 2009 2:10 pm
Hi Catlady
Funny enough I was looking at Epinions the other night and found a steam gun that we have in the UK under the Hoover brand. Ive had the same steam gun for several years now and whilst it is good a lot of the plastic attachments slip off in use. I see in the U.S it is known as the McCulloch MC1235. I find mine is great for shifting dust and general grease very well but it struggles with bathroom grout.

If you're looking for a steam cleaner upright design I have a Hometek (cheap Chinese/Asian built) steam upright cleaner. It is very basic, uses washable and removable microfibre cloths and much prefer using it against a dirty mop or for my 6ft frame not so much of a back wrenching cleaning experience. It looks like a mop that I saw either on Sears or Walmart website and it looks like this:

Hometek also do another mop called the Elite. I bought that for my mum but it is too flimsy for my liking and she has taken my old light n easy as it feels more durable and is easier to fill up with water, also has a bigger tank.

Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #9   Nov 6, 2009 2:49 pm
Hello Catlady:

Glad your MIELE is holding up so well under very rigorous house cleaning requirements.  Perhaps you should be nicknamed MIELE Melanie? 

BTW, if you haven't already, you may want to write MIELE and let them know what you think about its S7 vacuum and the rigors that you take it through.  If and when you should, be sure to leave out the part about picking up pet toys.  It could void your warranty.    IMMER BESSER! 

Carmine D.


Joined: Jan 15, 2009
Points: 321

Re: Vapor Steam Cleaners
Reply #10   Nov 7, 2009 2:51 am
CatLady and All,

Google  ' VX5000' .  It looks sturdy, reasonably priced, and well equipped.  They offer a liberal return policy. The Ladybug does not look as sturdy, and I'm not certain their TANCS is really anything other than a marketing gimmick.


Joined: May 27, 2008
Points: 77

Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #11   Nov 7, 2009 3:43 am
Hi Venson,
I do agree that most of my allergies are caused by all of the extra hair and dander around the house, but we also have a pretty bad mold problem.  I read that steam cleaning can help kill the mold.  Our basement is horrible.  It's so musty and damp.  We need to have french drains put in outside and then work done in the basement because water comes in, but we had estimates done and there's just no way we can afford that type of work.  So we try to control the mold.  My husband uses bleach to clean the mold around the windows, in the bathrooms, and in the basement.  We also usually use bleach on litter box scrubbing days and to clean up an accidents and to clean off kitchen counter tops (you know those cats are on them when you're now home, LOL).  Problem is I can't even smell the slightest hint bleach anymore.  Almost any chemical cleaner sends me into an attack over the last few months.  I'm a bit of a clean freak and really want a way to keep my home as sanitized as possible with this number of animals.  I was hoping that a steam cleaner would help disinfect the house and kill some of the mold without the chemical smells.

This message was modified Nov 7, 2009 by catlady

Joined: May 27, 2008
Points: 77

Re: CR likes new Miele upright
Reply #12   Nov 7, 2009 3:45 am
After I gave Miele and my Vac Shop such a hard time regarding the problems with my "demo" S7, I did let everyone know how happy I was with the replacement S7 after about a month.  I wanted to leave things on a positive note.


Joined: May 27, 2008
Points: 77

Re: Vapor Steam Cleaners
Reply #13   Nov 7, 2009 3:47 am
Trebor wrote:
CatLady and All,

Google  ' VX5000' .  It looks sturdy, reasonably priced, and well equipped.  They offer a liberal return policy. The Ladybug does not look as sturdy, and I'm not certain their TANCS is really anything other than a marketing gimmick.


I'll check that out today.
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