Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 25, 2007
Points: 649
Original Message Oct 25, 2009 9:56 pm |
Hoover (TTI) introduced a new vac a few months ago called the Linx. And Electrolux has had the Pronto around a while (Costco's version uses a 12 volt battery .vs. 9.6 volt version in most retail outlets)
As it was getting tiring lugging the Miele/Bosch/Sebo up and down the stairs of my townhouse, I picked these up for various cleaning duties.
The Linx claims to be a Windtunnel design and actually did a pretty decent job on rugs and bare floors. It's relatively light weight, uses a simple Cyclone that so far seems to handle fine dust without immediately clogging its secondary filter.
The Pronto is either stick or handheld. It uses a dust cone which is a pain to clean (pull a tab out and release, whack whack whack until no more dust comes out of the screened enclosure).
Both these vacs run for around 15 minutes per charge. Linx uses exchangable Lithium Ion pack that pulse-charges in 3 hours, Pronto an enclosed NiCad taking all night to trickle-charge.
....and while I have seen the Dyson handheld, it really didn't fit this as it has no floor capability, uses up battery really fast (new versions supposedly do better), and has a shrieking motor (the Linx and Pronto, while noisy, are bearable).
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Lightweights
Reply #30 Oct 30, 2009 1:40 pm |
The symbolism wasn't actually intended, although I was certainly being flippant. What could be better than a device that could use as fuel waste from another process - it would be the ultimate green product? Certainly it would be difficult to create a device that could handle the variability inherent in this natural "fuel". I guess I was thinking about the dishwasher that could use hydrogen peroxide as a detergent, and taking it to the next level. My apologies to anyone offended by my comment.
Severus, Don't worry about it. You're doin' alright. Venson
Joined: Jul 22, 2007
Points: 1900
Re: Lightweights
Reply #33 Apr 11, 2010 6:07 am |
Brief update on the Hoover Linx... as time has progressed its battery is holding less of a charge. It used to be able to run for about 15 minutes but as of late barely makes 10. The secondary foam filter also severely restricts airflow even when cleaned. I may swap out that secondary for a couple layers of Miele superfilter just to see how well that works.
As for actual cleaning Linx picks up lint and light stuff, but anything requiring serious cleaning means hauling the old Miele Bluemoon and its powerheads.
Oh yes...the Linx is LOUD...have to wear earplugs when using it for more than a few minutes.
Hi vacomatic,
There's a two-year waranty on the battery I believe. If that's so, I'd get Hoover on the phone and see about getting a replacement. Take a look at the following link as well. You'll find a paragraph that suggests a full discharge of the battery may cause the digital circuitry to reset. However, be advised that lithium rechargeable battery do not react in kind as regards NiCad ones. As for cleaning -- no stickvac beyond a few corded AND even more expensive models is expected or meant to do more than yours does. That's why I don't get the pricing on this one. You can buy a regular upright for the 150 to 200 bucks this machines sells for. If you want stick style and high power you'll be best served by either Miele or Emer. For those who still just have to have the Hoover Linx, try waiting a while. I was surprise to find it at Costco for only $145.00 and think prices may lower more in a couple of months there and at other stores. Good luck, Venson