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Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Original Message Oct 9, 2009 12:26 pm |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #2 Oct 9, 2009 6:50 pm |
DIB, I know you support scientests but for Dyson to say kick out the banks and give tax incentives to the scientests doesn't suit me. Dyson is one man that I have not seen being for UK when he leaves the country to produce his invention. The tsar of technology should keep his business in UK and then maybe the scientific community might get a listen from Parliment. They talk about selling technology, produce it there and export it.That is what is done in counties where they give incentives to their businesses. UK is not the only country that should help their technolgies. Procare
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #4 Oct 10, 2009 12:46 am |
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #6 Oct 10, 2009 4:32 am |
Hello M00seUK: With the dollar tumbling, and the USA supposedly dyson's best vacuum market [two-thirds of annual sales by last count] now is not a good time to launch a new vacuum product. The article, thanks for the link, also gives some more insight into James' selection as technology tsar. Confirms my observation it's all about politics and popularity.  Carmine D. We'll have to see what said new product will be - I personally think it's unlikely to be a vacuum. From the outside there appears little in the way of loss of conferences at Dyson of late. By comparison, Apple continues plowing money in R&D and is due to refresh it's high-margin iMac lines for the holiday season, with rumours of larger sized iPod 'tablet' format entering the market in early 2010. If you have the right product, the buyers are still there; you don't stop innovating and launching new products because of blips in the market. In my view the only people with something to fear are the manufacturers trying to sell high ticket items which feature little in the way of innovative features. As for James' selection, it's a two way street. The Tory's get a recognised name on board and James get a certain level of influence. It was also a good speech, with James holding up a digital motor against and brushed motor as an example of the practical gains they are making.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #7 Oct 10, 2009 5:02 am |
We'll have to see what said new product will be - I personally think it's unlikely to be a vacuum.
From the outside there appears little in the way of loss of conferences at Dyson of late. By comparison, Apple continues plowing money in R&D and is due to refresh it's high-margin iMac lines for the holiday season, with rumours of larger sized iPod 'tablet' format entering the market in early 2010. If you have the right product, the buyers are still there; you don't stop innovating and launching new products because of blips in the market. In my view the only people with something to fear are the manufacturers trying to sell high ticket items which feature little in the way of innovative features.
As for James' selection, it's a two way street. The Tory's get a recognised name on board and James get a certain level of influence. It was also a good speech, with James holding up a digital motor against and brushed motor as an example of the practical gains they are making. I would hardly call the current downtown, which started in the first quarter of 2008 and has worsened since then, as a "blip in the market." If you do, then more power to you.
In business, timing is all important not just product. The $800 DC26 is now at $590. It's price is following same direction as the US dollar's value. If pure currency laws prevailed in the market place, the $800 MSRP should be $900 based on the 12 percent decline in the value of the US dollar internationally since President Obama took office. With the unemployment rate in the USA at a national average of 10 percent, and climbing higher, with regions of the country, like mine, and many others, approaching 15 percent and climbing higher, US consumers can't spend what they don't have. If you argue that they buy on credit, I offer to you the latest figures showing the steepest credit retrenchment among US buyers since such measures have been reported. If you strug this off as a blip, again more power to you. Companies do what they always do whether in good times and/or bad. It is the underlying reason for the huge bankruptcies, bailouts and failures in hard economic times. Failure to adjust business decisions and actions to changing times and habits in consumer spending. The companies that are predisposed to fail are the ones who limit their options in the good times and then fall on bad times. Does the name Starbucks come to mind? Carmine D.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #11 Oct 10, 2009 3:42 pm |
I hope we see non-vacuum inventions coming sooner than later. He certainly isn't spending $90m annually on vacuum R&D. Do you have link or any video of James Dyson giving his speech? Thanks, DIB
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #12 Oct 10, 2009 3:48 pm |
DIB, I know you support scientests but for Dyson to say kick out the banks and give tax incentives to the scientests doesn't suit me. Dyson is one man that I have not seen being for UK when he leaves the country to produce his invention. The tsar of technology should keep his business in UK and then maybe the scientific community might get a listen from Parliment. They talk about selling technology, produce it there and export it.That is what is done in counties where they give incentives to their businesses. UK is not the only country that should help their technolgies. Procare ...I agree and doing whatever it takes to put people back to work "making things." I do wonder how many U.S. manufacturing jobs were killed off at Walmart's "suggestion" and/or intimidation. As for manufacturing and commitment... Many in the UK have isolated and exploited the last page to the Dyson manufacturing in his homeland story. The facts are, Sir James Dyson initially chose to support his country and countrymen over profits, that is - not choosing cheaper foreign manufacturing in the beginning. It’s my understanding he employed some 4000 employees at one point and spent $150m of his own money updating and/or expanding his manufacturing only to close down a year later. Are you aware of the Dyson School of Design Innovation that he wanted to start in the city of Bath? He pledged $12m and spent $3m towards the school only to have Bath’s “men in small chairs” string him along for years. So long that his government’s supporters tired and pulled their matching funds which killed the school. Two other nearby cities wanted the Dyson School after hearing of Bath's double-cross. He has published books on the history of inventions, had/has a corporate web page dedicated to helping inventors, his friends are inventors (the Mini for example) and has given many, many speeches and talks to anyone who will listen of the need to bring inventions back to the UK. The James Dyson Award is another selfless tool used to spark interest in invention. Did you read or see the BBC coverage of a Malmesbury Parliament member vice Tony Blair? He blamed Tony Blair and his policies (to his face) for Dyson manufacturing and another 350,000 manufacturing jobs moving out of the UK (during Blair’s term, up to this point). Is he the best qualified? I don’t know. What I do know is, he’s proof positive inventions can turn people into billionaire’s, create billion dollar corporations and all from humble beginnings – anyone’s carriage house, garage or backyard. DIB
This message was modified Oct 10, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #13 Oct 10, 2009 5:01 pm |
...I agree and doing whatever it takes to put people back to work "making things." I do wonder how many U.S. manufacturing jobs were killed off at Walmart's "suggestion" and/or intimidation.
As for manufacturing and commitment... Many in the UK have isolated and exploited the last page to the Dyson manufacturing in his homeland story. The facts are, Sir James Dyson initially chose to support his country and countrymen over profits, that is - not choosing cheaper foreign manufacturing in the beginning. It’s my understanding he employed some 4000 employees at one point and spent $150m of his own money updating and/or expanding his manufacturing only to close down a year later.
Are you aware of the Dyson School of Design Innovation that he wanted to start in the city of Bath? He pledged $12m and spent $3m towards the school only to have Bath’s “men in small chairs” string him along for years. So long that his government’s supporters tired and pulled their matching funds which killed the school. Two other nearby cities wanted the Dyson School after hearing of Bath's double-cross.
He has published books on the history of inventions, had/has a corporate web page dedicated to helping inventors, his friends are inventors (the Mini for example) and has given many, many speeches and talks to anyone who will listen of the need to bring inventions back to the UK. The James Dyson Award is another selfless tool used to spark interest in invention.
Did you read or see the BBC coverage of a Malmesbury Parliament member vice Tony Blair? He blamed Tony Blair and his policies (to his face) for Dyson manufacturing and another 350,000 manufacturing jobs moving out of the UK (during Blair’s term, up to this point).
Is he the best qualified? I don’t know. What I do know is, he’s proof positive inventions can turn people into billionaire’s, create billion dollar corporations and all from humble beginnings – anyone’s carriage house, garage or backyard.
DIB Sir James should come to Tennessee. We built a football stadium and gave it and most all proceeds for stadium events to the owner of the team. Also cost about 2 times the original cost to build. Then a short while later had to spend almost as much to repair as to build.
Many downtown (nearby) businesses closed because the games did not generate enough revenue to support them. So if James wants all the money for himself and screw the gifter then he should move to TN.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #15 Oct 11, 2009 3:04 am |
...I agree and doing whatever it takes to put people back to work "making things." I do wonder how many U.S. manufacturing jobs were killed off at Walmart's "suggestion" and/or intimidation.
As for manufacturing and commitment... Many in the UK have isolated and exploited the last page to the Dyson manufacturing in his homeland story. The facts are, Sir James Dyson initially chose to support his country and countrymen over profits, that is - not choosing cheaper foreign manufacturing in the beginning. It’s my understanding he employed some 4000 employees at one point and spent $150m of his own money updating and/or expanding his manufacturing only to close down a year later.
Are you aware of the Dyson School of Design Innovation that he wanted to start in the city of Bath? He pledged $12m and spent $3m towards the school only to have Bath’s “men in small chairs” string him along for years. So long that his government’s supporters tired and pulled their matching funds which killed the school. Two other nearby cities wanted the Dyson School after hearing of Bath's double-cross.
He has published books on the history of inventions, had/has a corporate web page dedicated to helping inventors, his friends are inventors (the Mini for example) and has given many, many speeches and talks to anyone who will listen of the need to bring inventions back to the UK. The James Dyson Award is another selfless tool used to spark interest in invention.
Did you read or see the BBC coverage of a Malmesbury Parliament member vice Tony Blair? He blamed Tony Blair and his policies (to his face) for Dyson manufacturing and another 350,000 manufacturing jobs moving out of the UK (during Blair’s term, up to this point).
Is he the best qualified? I don’t know. What I do know is, he’s proof positive inventions can turn people into billionaire’s, create billion dollar corporations and all from humble beginnings – anyone’s carriage house, garage or backyard.
Ancient history. All these historical facts don't mean a thing if you can't measure up on the product and sales ends. Carmine D.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #16 Oct 11, 2009 3:08 am |
" Is he the best qualified? I don’t know. What I do know is, he’s proof positive inventions can turn people into billionaire’s, create billion dollar corporations and all from humble beginnings – anyone’s carriage house, garage or backyard. DIB"Becoming one is easy. Staying one is hard. Dyson's fortune has sunk lower and lower year over year. Like many of the Forbes 400 richest in the USA, the bar has been lowered. No longer ONE BILLION but $950,000,000. When you first started boasting of James dyson's fortune here as evidence of his inventor's prowess he was worth OVER $2 BILLION US [March 2007]. What is he worth today? Carmine D.
This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by CarmineD
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #17 Oct 11, 2009 10:02 am |
Sir James Dyson demonstrating his passion for invention and celebrating the men and women who make invention happen. Visit the Dyson DC25 Blueprint web page.
This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #18 Oct 11, 2009 11:39 am |
DIB: The model was featured already here in another thread. The model is a rehash of a white ball DC15 that premiered during the dyson glory days of holiday season 2005. It was a dud. It was billed by the big box retailer as a seasonal item at an MSRP of $519. It sold notta. Over a year later the model was still in inventory and sold on clearance. The store couldn't give them away. Why? A $130 HOOVER FUSION plus dethroned it on the retailers' shelves. It would have been the perfect dyson ball collector's vacuum if packaged in a see thru carton, autographed by James with limited quantities and sequentially numbered. Even then many potential buyers, including you as a card carrying James dyson enthusiast, wouldn't pay more than $300, if that much. It's not innovative invention. It's slick colors, marketing/advertising which BTW your fave company has substantially reduced in recent months. Even on this site, if you are paying attention. Carmine D.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #19 Oct 11, 2009 1:30 pm |
DIB: The model was featured already here in another thread. The model is a rehash of a white ball DC15 that premiered during the dyson glory days of holiday season 2005. It was a dud. It was billed by the big box retailer as a seasonal item at an MSRP of $519. It sold notta. Over a year later the model was still in inventory and sold on clearance. The store couldn't give them away. Why? A $130 HOOVER FUSION plus dethroned it on the retailers' shelves. It would have been the perfect dyson ball collector's vacuum if packaged in a see thru carton, autographed by James with limited quantities and sequentially numbered. Even then many potential buyers, including you as a card carrying James dyson enthusiast, wouldn't pay more than $300, if that much. It's not innovative invention. It's slick colors, marketing/advertising which BTW your fave company has substantially reduced in recent months. Even on this site, if you are paying attention. Carmine D. Again, your lack of good judgment gets the best of you (you're slaving to Dyson-mud slinging again, I love it). I am aware of the Blueprint thread, I’m making others aware of Dyson’s commitment and celebration of past inventors and their inventions. The Blueprint page highlighted the contributions of other great inventors. My post is relevant inside this [my] thread. Don’t worry about it. DIB
This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #21 Oct 11, 2009 4:24 pm |
DIB: All the "fluff" is smoke and mirrors to cover up an overpriced, underwelming, all plastic, outsized produced, Malaysian made, mediocre performing upright at best. It's all meaningless unless the product measures up with performance and sales. BTW, has dyson ever corrected the faulty DC25 motor wiring harness that fails several months into the use? Carmine D. Is there no end to how far they will follow Hoover? Has Dyson caused as many fires or burns as Hoover?
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #22 Oct 11, 2009 5:35 pm |
DIB: All the "fluff" is smoke and mirrors to cover up an overpriced, underwelming, all plastic, outsized produced, Malaysian made, mediocre performing upright at best. It's all meaningless unless the product measures up with performance and sales. BTW, has dyson ever corrected the faulty DC25 motor wiring harness that fails several months into the use? Carmine D. Since you've got nothin, I though I'd post Miss IFA holding another Dyson problem solving-innovation and potential money maker - the mighty and unstoppable DC26. 
This message was modified Oct 11, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
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Points: 5894
Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #23 Oct 12, 2009 2:50 am |
Is there no end to how far they will follow Hoover? Has Dyson caused as many fires or burns as Hoover? HS:
As usual the pay toilet shuffle. You didn't answer the question. HOOVER WT $200-$250. Defective Switch $2.00. Fix 10 minutes. Dyson ball 25 $499-$599. Motor harness wire $2.00. Fix 1-2 hours depending on technician skill and experience and 3-5 days repair wait IF THE PART IS IN. BTW, there were 35 reported cases of switch failure in the H-WT. How many in the ball? Carmine D.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #27 Oct 13, 2009 2:49 pm |
HS: As usual the pay toilet shuffle. You didn't answer the question. HOOVER WT $200-$250. Defective Switch $2.00. Fix 10 minutes. Dyson ball 25 $499-$599. Motor harness wire $2.00. Fix 1-2 hours depending on technician skill and experience and 3-5 days repair wait IF THE PART IS IN. BTW, there were 35 reported cases of switch failure in the H-WT. How many in the ball? Carmine D. I did not shuffle. Looks like you did. From the US Product Safety Commission:
Incidents/Injuries: Maytag has received 249 reports of vacuums overheating, which caused the handle area to smoke, melt or catch fire. One minor burn injury requiring no medical attention was reported.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #28 Oct 13, 2009 4:08 pm |
I did not shuffle. Looks like you did.From the US Product Safety Commission:
Incidents/Injuries: Maytag has received 249 reports of vacuums overheating, which caused the handle area to smoke, melt or catch fire. One minor burn injury requiring no medical attention was reported. HS:
I knew you would post this. Just think: For one minor burn, MAYTAG was fined $750,000 by the CPSC. Where's the justice. BTW, thanks for the correction. Carmine D BTW, your fave japanese auto brand recalled 4 MILLION Lexus and Toyota vehicles for safety hazard [incorrect floor mat that caused the accelerator pedal to stick] that caused the deaths of 3 and/or 4 people. Was there a fine involved by the DOT? No, that's what I thought. Remember I told you when toyota went to that fast track design and production track that it would back-fire. BTW, Toyota is likely to report its second yearly loss. Plans to beef up advertising. Spending ONE BILLION in the last quarter. A record amount for the company.
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #29 Oct 13, 2009 6:03 pm |
HS: I knew you would post this. Just think: For one minor burn, MAYTAG was fined $750,000 by the CPSC. Where's the justice. BTW, thanks for the correction. Carmine D BTW, your fave japanese auto brand recalled 4 MILLION Lexus and Toyota vehicles for safety hazard [incorrect floor mat that caused the accelerator pedal to stick] that caused the deaths of 3 and/or 4 people. Was there a fine involved by the DOT? No, that's what I thought. Remember I told you when toyota went to that fast track design and production track that it would back-fire. BTW, Toyota is likely to report its second yearly loss. Plans to beef up advertising. Spending ONE BILLION in the last quarter. A record amount for the company. One burn. 249 incidents that could have resulted in burns. The fine was for not reporting or taking action. That is justice.
Tell us about all the other auto recalls and annual losses. No need to stop on one maker. Of course you only report the part to convince others of your deceptions. 42 years of misleading is hard to change. You have no evidence about fast track design being a problem. Except in your mind. remember an hour or so ago when you missed the count by 90%?
This message was modified Oct 13, 2009 by HARDSELL
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Re: Sir James Dyson – appointed Conservative party’s Technology Tsar…
Reply #30 Oct 14, 2009 2:54 am |
HS: Could have, should have, would have. The fine [$750,000] was excessive and levied to bail out the CPSC from a annual deficit. Plain and simple. BTW, toyota tundra trucks were recalled today in addition to the 4 MILLION cars. Now there is a government investigation. 200,000 tundras. The spare tire well rusts out and the tire falls off while driving down the road. Any fine? No. If you are reading and paying attention, toyotas are the only major car maker in recent months announcing recalls. I can't help it if you like the brand and boast about it here incessantly. It's crap just like all the other japanese brands. But, granted it is the cream of the crap. Like your fave vacuum brand. Carmine D.