Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Original Message Sep 4, 2009 9:20 am |
Since I have been coming to this site I have seen bickering about Dyson, Hoover and a few other brands. But to me it is why is this industry important and why all the different brands and models. My feeling is that they are necessary to maintain a way of life. Cleanliness, health, and just plain keeping everything nice. We started with dirt floors, went to rock and wood floors. Floors were kept up with brooms for hundreds of years. With the advent of electricity the vacuum cleaner came along with elecrtic motors. Just so you know , I am aware of the types of early sweepers from the late 1800's. So the question I put to you is why is it so important to be a bagless society of Dyson? Why Bagged? Why a particular brand over another? Give me and anyone that comes to this site some answers as to why and how is one better than another? I am watching and listening. Procare 54 years in the business and still going strong.
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #133 Sep 15, 2009 1:41 pm |
You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale????
I’ll tell you a fairy tale... bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealers or dealer groupies who do not lie or have an original and substantial thought.
DIB, Please explain how your fairy tale name "DysonInventsBig" is any more real than my rather arbitrary selection of "Severus"?
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by Severus
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #135 Sep 16, 2009 3:03 am |
Hello Procare: Vacuum customers buy new vacuums yearly and thereabouts from the big box rip off stores because their old vacuums are not working properly. What's cheap? Bagless. What's hyped? Dysons. They buy a cat in the bag with no demo, no key points to using and maintaining, and no advice about parts purchases/replacements and service tips. When the new vacuum fails after 9 months, assuming it was not returned during the grace period, they are stuck. Call the maker, get the runaround. Call the retailer, get the runaround. Reference the recent wand contacts that failed under warranty on the Eureka-Lux Oxygen [sold by big box store for $281]. A common problem. Vacuum customers will eventually get it. When they do, they'll trust in their local vacuum stores for their vacuum needs rather than hoping in the big box rip off stores who profit on the sales of vacuums. Of course a few vocal ostriches here will impugn all vacuum stores with their tirades of the vacuum stores' anti-bagless rants and raves. Nothing new. It helps the big box rip off stores sell their fave high priced bagless brands to gullible customers year after year with the great bagless vacuum myth of no costs after purchase. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #136 Sep 16, 2009 3:57 am |
Hello Procare: Vacuum customers buy new vacuums yearly and thereabouts from the big box rip off stores because their old vacuums are not working properly. What's cheap? Bagless. What's hyped? Dysons. They buy a cat in the bag with no demo, no key points to using and maintaining, and no advice about parts purchases/replacements and service tips. When the new vacuum fails after 9 months, assuming it was not returned during the grace period, they are stuck. Call the maker, get the runaround. Call the retailer, get the runaround. Reference the recent wand contacts that failed under warranty on the Eureka-Lux Oxygen [sold by big box store for $281]. A common problem. Vacuum customers will eventually get it. When they do, they'll trust in their local vacuum stores for their vacuum needs rather than hoping in the big box rip off stores who profit on the sales of vacuums. Of course a few vocal ostriches here will impugn all vacuum stores with their tirades of the vacuum stores' anti-bagless rants and raves. Nothing new. It helps the big box rip off stores sell their fave high priced bagless brands to gullible customers year after year with the great bagless vacuum myth of no costs after purchase. Carmine D. You tell us that other brands sell more units than Dyson. Then you tell us that Dyson is being taken off most shelves. That only leaves the other brands to be the cat in the bag. Bagged or bagless, the rip off ic from sales of the disposable (cheap) vacs.
You failed to mention that you continually buy the cheap-o vacs from BB stores and gift the junk to others. You should also mention the very expensive Miele that failed almost out of the box and the dealer botched the repair. Miele had to force the dealer to "make it right". As you have said. You research and if you can't find anything negative about Dyson you make up something to report.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #137 Sep 16, 2009 4:07 am |
Hello HARDSELL: I knew you would post. You never let me down. Dyson is the most hyped of all bagless brands AND the most expensive of all the big box rip off store brands. Big box rip off stores sell them for the huge profit margins not because they sell quickly. Have to sell alot of $40 Dirt Devil PowerGlides and $70 HOOVER Tempos to make the profit on one $600 dyson. Catlady got her new MIELE S7. The holdup was the new model, a tester, and the back and forth between dealer and maker to get the wrong righted. It was MIELE that gave Melanie the new vacuum not the dealer. Glad I can set you straight. It's almost a full time job with you and DIB both. BTW, buying another XL ORECK Classic from the local ORECK store in Vegas. Such a deal I couldn't refuse. It's a gift too. For the local Church parish secretary. She's been using a HOOVER Elite that's older than you. This will be a welcome surprise for her and the Church office. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #138 Sep 16, 2009 4:36 am |
.... You research and if you can't find anything negative about Dyson you make up something to report. Mostly HS it's just the dyson hype and high prices for the mediocre performance that makes the dyson brand a standout in the big box rip off stores. No wonder James went with this sales venue over the indies.
Vacuum buyers don't care about 500 engineers and brush cams, accentuators, clutches and cyclones. They just want a vacuum that performs well and meets their money/household needs w/o needing a bank loan. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #139 Sep 16, 2009 4:43 am |
Hello HARDSELL: I knew you would post. You never let me down. Dyson is the most hyped of all bagless brands AND the most expensive of all the big box rip off store brands. Big box rip off stores sell them for the huge profit margins not because they sell quickly. Have to sell alot of $40 Dirt Devil PowerGlides and $70 HOOVER Tempos to make the profit on one $600 dyson. Dyson is not nearly so hyped as Oreck. I remember when it was Hoover. Since they went busted and you had to eat so much crow you picked another brand. According to you the stores sell more of those cheapies. The indies have to do a lot of repairs on all those other brands to stay in business since new vac sales are not their primary source of income. I suppose that balances the economy. Catlady got her new MIELE S7. The holdup was the new model, a tester, and the back and forth between dealer and maker to get the wrong righted. It was MIELE that gave Melanie the new vacuum not the dealer. Glad I can set you straight. It's almost a full time job with you and DIB both. I know the story. The indie botched the repair and Miele had to make it right. Glad to repay the favor and set you straight, BTW, buying another XL ORECK Classic from the local ORECK store in Vegas. Such a deal I couldn't refuse. It's a gift too. For the local Church parish secretary. She's been using a HOOVER Elite that's older than you. This will be a welcome surprise for her and the Church office. I think the surprice will be when the church doesn't get any cleaner. BTW the Hoover Platinum with the canister is a much better buy at $255 than the XL. Carmine D.
Location: earth
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #140 Sep 16, 2009 4:49 am |
Its becoming very transparent to us now that by what DIB posts that dyson knows that its game over in the states,The indy's are tired of the B.S. with dealing with this make believe vacuum company, which in reality is just a money laundering scheme. The only avenue left is HSN and refurbs on E-BAY, Its also very obivious now that DYSON has no intentions of opening factory stores in the states, So whens TTI going to buyout DYSON for pennies on the dollar or yen ,Its coming folks and now dib and the rest of the robber barons so called educated overly smart people will be working at the local burger king. B.T.W Carmine, Severus,procare,and Venson will still be around when your long gone.I just might keep H.S just as a whipping boy. regards MOLE
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #141 Sep 16, 2009 4:56 am |
HS: ORECK and HOOVER are still in your craw? You're getting over HOOVER if you are enjoying your bagged HOOVER Platinum lightweight. Congrats. It's okay for $299. ORECK is a tad better for repairs and parts. With 500 stores. It builds brand loyalty and customers. Like HOOVER use to do before it went the big box rip off route like dyson does. Better start talking up the ORECK Clean Home Centers and vacuum store indies here. They are the only repairers of dysons when they break down unless you want to ship it back to dyson. WHere is that now? UK? Malaysia? Chicago? NYC? I can never remember. Imagine! The low life ne'er do wells that you and DIB bad mouth here so often now hold the future life blood of dyson in their hands. James will have to make nice nice now. MIELE's in your craw too. It's the German engineers. Takes 500 dyson engineers to make one MIELE engineer. MIELE dealers are top shelf all the way. IMMER BESSER. 80 years in the vacuum biz and still making vacuums that last 20 years before they are handed down to friends and family for round 2. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #142 Sep 16, 2009 4:56 am |
Its becoming very transparent to us now that by what DIB posts that dyson knows that its game over in the states,The indy's are tired of the B.S. with dealing with this make believe vacuum company, which in reality is just a money laundering scheme. The only avenue left is HSN and refurbs on E-BAY, Its also very obivious now that DYSON has no intentions of opening factory stores in the states, So whens TTI going to buyout DYSON for pennies on the dollar or yen ,Its coming folks and now dib and the rest of the robber barons so called educated overly smart people will be working at the local burger king. B.T.W Carmine, Severus,procare,and Venson will still be around when your long gone.I just might keep H.S just as a whipping boy. regards MOLE I got a can of whoop ass waiting for you.  
How about a WHOOPING from one of those gals at B&D or Dyson. Or is that whoopy?