Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Original Message Sep 4, 2009 9:20 am |
Since I have been coming to this site I have seen bickering about Dyson, Hoover and a few other brands. But to me it is why is this industry important and why all the different brands and models. My feeling is that they are necessary to maintain a way of life. Cleanliness, health, and just plain keeping everything nice. We started with dirt floors, went to rock and wood floors. Floors were kept up with brooms for hundreds of years. With the advent of electricity the vacuum cleaner came along with elecrtic motors. Just so you know , I am aware of the types of early sweepers from the late 1800's. So the question I put to you is why is it so important to be a bagless society of Dyson? Why Bagged? Why a particular brand over another? Give me and anyone that comes to this site some answers as to why and how is one better than another? I am watching and listening. Procare 54 years in the business and still going strong.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #128 Sep 15, 2009 10:41 am |
Hey, give a guy a break... I’m just trying to “keep up” with the fella’s who have their thumbs on the pulse and keys to life... the bad-mouthing do-nothin’s and never-were’s.
You can't be and do both. They are mutually exclusive. We who strive for the pulse of the vacuum industry and hold the keys to its life can't be bad mouthers, do-nothings, and never weres. These latter types are not in our sphere of influence. Why? Most of those you name call and impugn here with your dribble have years of experience in the biz. They built honorable businesses and reputations in the industry with years of experience. How many years do you have in the vacuum business? Or any business? Do you slave, I mean work, for a boss/bosses? Carmine D.
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #129 Sep 15, 2009 11:48 am |
You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale????
I’ll tell you a fairy tale... a bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealer or dealer groupie with an original and substantial thought.
DIB DIB: I am a seeker of all vacuum truths. I go to great lengths to seek, find and reveal. This site and the posters who read/post here like Venson and SEVERUS [and a host of others] do a remarkable job with providing the vacuum truths and facts. It's hard for persons like you, who don't know the vacuum industry, but dabble here as a hobby, to understand and comprehend us. You take all dyson criticism personal as tho it is directed to you. It's not. It's about dyson's products and product claims. The dyson products should be able to go toe to toe in the industry with all the competition up and down the price scale based on facts, results and performance. If dyson comes up lacking especially with bagged competitors as lower costs, accept the constructive criticism and do soemthing positive to assist dyson in improving itself. You appear to cast a blind eye and deaf ear to all vacuum truth by using smear campaigns against vacuum stores and name calling for posters here. You insist on defending James, and his products and claims [lies] but you offer only more panned dyson slogans and marketing hype. This sadly puts you at fault. You are either shortsighted and/or just obtuse. Quite possibly you are both. The reasons for your behavior are on you not us. Carmine D. Carmine, So your wife's "cool with it." - She's cool with you role-playing or going along with other men who do? DIB
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by DysonInventsBig
Location: USA
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 1454
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #131 Sep 15, 2009 12:18 pm |
DIB: More soup questions! Carmine D. Let her make that determination and determine if it's relevant (a soup question). You have no problem running to her with Dyson products (“to review”). So, why not run to her with the "new you?" DIB
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #132 Sep 15, 2009 1:18 pm |
DIB: I don't have to run anywhere for anybody unless and until I feel compelled to do so. When I do, it most surely will not be for you. Other than telling me I had a nose problem for addressing all the points you posted to vacmanuk, you have yet responded to my posts let alone provide proof to the contrary. Another ploy of yours. When confronted with the truth and facts, even a logical deduction based on the former, you skirt away and bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Look up the definition of ostrich. It fits you here perfectly. Carmine D.
If my vacuum can remove even one spec of dirt that yours misses, then mine is better than yours - even if there's no proof that mine would have picked up as much dirt as yours...
Joined: Jul 30, 2007
Points: 397
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #133 Sep 15, 2009 1:41 pm |
You support and play-along with the caped-crusader and Venson’s alter-ego by the name “Severus” (a Harry Potter character)... and you claim to be a man of truth and me living a fairy tale????
I’ll tell you a fairy tale... bad-mouthing, envious vacuum dealers or dealer groupies who do not lie or have an original and substantial thought.
DIB, Please explain how your fairy tale name "DysonInventsBig" is any more real than my rather arbitrary selection of "Severus"?
This message was modified Sep 15, 2009 by Severus
The smart tyrant writes his own story to ensure that it is favorable. The lazy will repeat lines from the book without fact checking.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #135 Sep 16, 2009 3:03 am |
Hello Procare: Vacuum customers buy new vacuums yearly and thereabouts from the big box rip off stores because their old vacuums are not working properly. What's cheap? Bagless. What's hyped? Dysons. They buy a cat in the bag with no demo, no key points to using and maintaining, and no advice about parts purchases/replacements and service tips. When the new vacuum fails after 9 months, assuming it was not returned during the grace period, they are stuck. Call the maker, get the runaround. Call the retailer, get the runaround. Reference the recent wand contacts that failed under warranty on the Eureka-Lux Oxygen [sold by big box store for $281]. A common problem. Vacuum customers will eventually get it. When they do, they'll trust in their local vacuum stores for their vacuum needs rather than hoping in the big box rip off stores who profit on the sales of vacuums. Of course a few vocal ostriches here will impugn all vacuum stores with their tirades of the vacuum stores' anti-bagless rants and raves. Nothing new. It helps the big box rip off stores sell their fave high priced bagless brands to gullible customers year after year with the great bagless vacuum myth of no costs after purchase. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2009 by CarmineD
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #136 Sep 16, 2009 3:57 am |
Hello Procare: Vacuum customers buy new vacuums yearly and thereabouts from the big box rip off stores because their old vacuums are not working properly. What's cheap? Bagless. What's hyped? Dysons. They buy a cat in the bag with no demo, no key points to using and maintaining, and no advice about parts purchases/replacements and service tips. When the new vacuum fails after 9 months, assuming it was not returned during the grace period, they are stuck. Call the maker, get the runaround. Call the retailer, get the runaround. Reference the recent wand contacts that failed under warranty on the Eureka-Lux Oxygen [sold by big box store for $281]. A common problem. Vacuum customers will eventually get it. When they do, they'll trust in their local vacuum stores for their vacuum needs rather than hoping in the big box rip off stores who profit on the sales of vacuums. Of course a few vocal ostriches here will impugn all vacuum stores with their tirades of the vacuum stores' anti-bagless rants and raves. Nothing new. It helps the big box rip off stores sell their fave high priced bagless brands to gullible customers year after year with the great bagless vacuum myth of no costs after purchase. Carmine D. You tell us that other brands sell more units than Dyson. Then you tell us that Dyson is being taken off most shelves. That only leaves the other brands to be the cat in the bag. Bagged or bagless, the rip off ic from sales of the disposable (cheap) vacs.
You failed to mention that you continually buy the cheap-o vacs from BB stores and gift the junk to others. You should also mention the very expensive Miele that failed almost out of the box and the dealer botched the repair. Miele had to force the dealer to "make it right". As you have said. You research and if you can't find anything negative about Dyson you make up something to report.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #137 Sep 16, 2009 4:07 am |
Hello HARDSELL: I knew you would post. You never let me down. Dyson is the most hyped of all bagless brands AND the most expensive of all the big box rip off store brands. Big box rip off stores sell them for the huge profit margins not because they sell quickly. Have to sell alot of $40 Dirt Devil PowerGlides and $70 HOOVER Tempos to make the profit on one $600 dyson. Catlady got her new MIELE S7. The holdup was the new model, a tester, and the back and forth between dealer and maker to get the wrong righted. It was MIELE that gave Melanie the new vacuum not the dealer. Glad I can set you straight. It's almost a full time job with you and DIB both. BTW, buying another XL ORECK Classic from the local ORECK store in Vegas. Such a deal I couldn't refuse. It's a gift too. For the local Church parish secretary. She's been using a HOOVER Elite that's older than you. This will be a welcome surprise for her and the Church office. Carmine D.
This message was modified Sep 16, 2009 by CarmineD