Vacuum Cleaners Discussions |
Joined: Jul 15, 2009
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What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Original Message Sep 4, 2009 9:20 am |
Since I have been coming to this site I have seen bickering about Dyson, Hoover and a few other brands. But to me it is why is this industry important and why all the different brands and models. My feeling is that they are necessary to maintain a way of life. Cleanliness, health, and just plain keeping everything nice. We started with dirt floors, went to rock and wood floors. Floors were kept up with brooms for hundreds of years. With the advent of electricity the vacuum cleaner came along with elecrtic motors. Just so you know , I am aware of the types of early sweepers from the late 1800's. So the question I put to you is why is it so important to be a bagless society of Dyson? Why Bagged? Why a particular brand over another? Give me and anyone that comes to this site some answers as to why and how is one better than another? I am watching and listening. Procare 54 years in the business and still going strong.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #37 Sep 7, 2009 9:46 am |
Thank you HS. You just explained why the ORECK in home 30 day free in home trial with no obligation for return is the standard that the industry should follow. Carmine D.
Maybe Oreck should drop the program. I found what a POS it was and returned the XL21. As you say. Another refurb hit the market.
The BB stores offer this 30 day trial. It is the indies who do not without hassle.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #39 Sep 7, 2009 11:25 am |
When dealing with Buyers Remorse it's NOT the Indies alone that have a problem with it, many of the Box Stores have tricks and intimidating tactics to dissuade the consumer from returning the product. Besides the consumer can actually TRY the product at the store but can't at the BBS. As far as returns for problems the Indie has the power to resolve it because they can actually fix it. Your never going to hear "Kiesha on aisle 3 to the repair facility" on the PA system at the BBS!
I tried various brands about 3 years ago before settling on the DC07. I had no buyers remorse on any of the other brands. They simply did not satisfy my cleaning needs. I have never been tricked or intimidated in a BB store. It has been tried in indies though. Guess a sale means more to them than to the non comissioned employee in a BB store.
Do you ever get out of the back room. All BB stores that I have shopped have access to demoing vacuums. Even Carmine has commented on using them in the stores. The problems that I had was not repairable by and indie------------unless he could redesign the vac in his back room. If there was a problem or defect on a new machine I would not want it repaired in a 30 day window (90 days at Wal Mart). It should be replaced.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
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Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #41 Sep 7, 2009 12:49 pm |
Do you ever get out of the back room. All BB stores that I have shopped have access to demoing vacuums. Even Carmine has commented on using them in the stores.
Actually HS you're half right. I don't go to big box stores to use the new vacuums, tho that is my excuse. I go to hear what the sales clerks say and do to sell them. It doesn't take a sales person to demo a vacuum for me. I know, as do most industry experts, how to take a new model through its paces. I want to hear what the sales staffs say about them. Case in point: When the DC07 first launched at TARGET stores in 2002 no one in the store could attach the u-bend airway to it. I watched as a sales supervisor and store manager read through the dyson manual, and all other information on the carton to figure it out. They spent over 20 minutes. A person trying to use the vacuum couldn't because there was no suction in the tool mode. With my dear Wife present I attached the piece in 10 seconds. Voila. They thought I was a genius. And on that account they are right. Carmine D.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #42 Sep 7, 2009 2:22 pm |
Maybe Oreck should drop the program. I found what a POS it was and returned the XL21. As you say. Another refurb hit the market. The BB stores offer this 30 day trial. It is the indies who do not without hassle.
I would argue that your fave brand with the most refurbs on the web of all brands should offer the 30 day free in home trial with a no obligation if returned. It has to be better than the current sales strategies which are producing more refurbs than dyson can handle. Maybe even gift DC16 with the trial and to keep if full size dyson is returned. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #43 Sep 7, 2009 2:58 pm |
HS: Actually HS you're half right. I don't go to big box stores to use the new vacuums, tho that is my excuse. I go to hear what the sales clerks say and do to sell them. It doesn't take a sales person to demo a vacuum for me. I know, as do most industry experts, how to take a new model through its paces. I want to hear what the sales staffs say about them. Case in point: When the DC07 first launched at TARGET stores in 2002 no one in the store could attach the u-bend airway to it. I watched as a sales supervisor and store manager read through the dyson manual, and all other information on the carton to figure it out. They spent over 20 minutes. A person trying to use the vacuum couldn't because there was no suction in the tool mode. With my dear Wife present I attached the piece in 10 seconds. Voila. They thought I was a genius. And on that account they are right. Carmine D.
I must also be a genius. Never looked at the manual in the store. I knew what the removable u-bend was for. I wouldn't be surprised if your wife showed you how to make the repair.
Oreck could take a lesson from Dyson. One of the biggest complaints is clogging. Of course that would take away repairs from the Oreck stores.
Joined: Dec 30, 2007
Points: 5894
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #44 Sep 8, 2009 2:49 am |
I must also be a genius. Never looked at the manual in the store. I knew what the removable u-bend was for. I wouldn't be surprised if your wife showed you how to make the repair. Oreck could take a lesson from Dyson. One of the biggest complaints is clogging. Of course that would take away repairs from the Oreck stores.
Soon after the launch and encountering the problems with the u-bend air-ways dyson redesigned and refitted the piece. I hear that most store personnel left the piece in the box not knowing what/where it was to go. Apparently you and I are not the usual dyson customers. Perhaps the reason we don't use dysons anymore. Point of fact, the ORECK store repairs all makes but declines dysons for the most part telling customers to mail back to dyson. That to me is the epitomy of the ORECK model besting dyson's business model and rubbing dyson's face oin it. When ORECK dictates dyson repairs. Carmine D.
Joined: Aug 21, 2007
Points: 1293
Re: What makes the vacuum cleaner inustry so important?
Reply #45 Sep 8, 2009 3:49 am |
HS: Soon after the launch and encountering the problems with the u-bend air-ways dyson redesigned and refitted the piece. I hear that most store personnel left the piece in the box not knowing what/where it was to go. Apparently you and I are not the usual dyson customers. Perhaps the reason we don't use dysons anymore. Point of fact, the ORECK store repairs all makes but declines dysons for the most part telling customers to mail back to dyson. That to me is the epitomy of the ORECK model besting dyson's business model and rubbing dyson's face oin it. When ORECK dictates dyson repairs. Carmine D. Millions of Dysons sold and you know the history of them all. Amazing for one who was not intelligent enough to tell Hoover to buy into Dyson. Does it matter what brand is repaired? Profit is profit. Most likely the Oreck stores are so busy with Oreck repairs that they do not have time to work on other brands.